Chapter 3

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Leah standing at the entrance to the house looking at me straight in the eye....I still couldn't hear her heartbeat she looked really angry and her hair was a mess.

"I am really sorry for coming into your house uninvited but the door was open and I decided to check up on you..."

I tried explaining to her but I didn't think she was paying attention she kept staring at the woods, she looked different and really pale this time, it looked like she had been in a fight. She finally spoke.

"Thanks for you concern James, but you stood me up today and I'm not happy about that, I look like a mess, I know I can see it in your eyes. Did you know I am photographer? I just went into the woods to take some pictures of nature" she tilted a pic on the wall and she went up into her room as I stood the frozen in my shoes with my jaw in my hand its like she read my mind.

"I'm coming up Leah" I took the stairs up and knocked on her door.

"Come in" she granted me a permit to enter her room, when I entered I could hear her heartbeat as she took her bath in the shower, I really wanted to have her for myself but I got out of her room and went to home, the last thing I wanted was to be a pervert.

[next morning]

I woke up freaking out because I will be seeing Al today, the truth was, he scares the hell out of me with his piercing golden colored eyes and heavy voice.... I turned on the TV and saw on the news a girl was found dead in the woods the reports says it was an animal attack. . .

[Doorbell rings]

I hurried down and open the door and to my surprise.

"Hi, can we go now we are running late?"

Angelo turned back and headed for the woods and I followed, we walked for almost a kilometer and a half and Angelo still hasn't said a word

"Can you at least tell me where we are going Angelo?, how much more do we have to walk?" I asked

"We have 3mins to get to the place and we have about a 10km more to go" Angelo looked at me and smiled.

He has got to be kidding me we have only 3mins to cover a distance of 10km come on he must be joking I thought to myself...."please tell me its a joke Angelo, you know that's is not possible." I added

He smiled at me and dashed off at lightning speed in the woods, he was moving super fast he returned to me and said

"hope you can keep up?, just take a deep breathe and run like mad"

he dashed off and I followed wow!.

It was cool it felt like we had all the time in the world as we dashed through the forest in a minute or two we were there, a big mansion in the middle of nowhere.

"Good job, you learn really fast too fast for a newbie" Angelo went inside

"Look who is here, James"

I heard the heavy voice echoing from the big hall. It was Al he seemed to be the one in charge there but I heard he was taking order from Luna the most powerful witch and also a vampire.

"he Is ready Al ".... Angelo assured him as all the vampires there stared at me. Al waved a signal and they brought in a blindfolded guy with blood all over his body into the room, as they brought him closer I could feel sharp pain in my teeth, I was getting restless, I could feel the taste of the blood on my lips and my throat was getting dry.

"You want it don't you come through me first." Al stood between me and my feast.

I dashed towards him and hit him head on and he didn't even move nor blink I used all my strength but I still didn't stand a chance against him.

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