Chapter 1

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[music playing in max volume.]

I could feel the winter breeze blow on my skin and beneath my soft dark silk hair as I raced in the valley with my car. . .I had just lost my mom, the only family I had to cancer last year and I have no family now so my wealth is my new family. . .My name is James Ace and this is how my journey begun. . .

[engine roars at full speed]

Its was on the eve of Christmas, I could see all lights and Christmas trees around as I pass through this beautiful town I could smell love in the air even tho I had none at the moment, the road seemed darker today and the weather was bad but I still had to drive around and seek comfort in the sight of people having fun.

As I drove in the valley, I suddenly felt something wasn't right, it seemed really dark than usual and the fog wasn't good either. . . . I was literally driving blind and the last thing I recall was skidding off the road into the valley what happened next feels like a thick fog in my head, I just felt the car summersault into the valley and the rest was light out for me. . . . but i was sure about one thing, someone dragged me out of the car, I could hear the sirens of the ambulance approach as i laid in a pool of blood feeling dizzy as I lost consciousness.

(few days later)

[distant voices and alarm beeps]

(gasps for breath)

"welcome back to life Mr. James".the doctor commented.

It felt different even though my head was spinning I felt a bit lighter than before.

"How long have i been here?"

I asked.

"Four days, but you responded well to the treatment given, so you will be out of here by morning."
he added

"I can't wait to get home."
I whispered

I felt thirsty, really thirsty and I could feel itches in my canine teeth and throat, hours later I was finally discharged from the hospital. I got a cab home but I wasn't feeling too good, I still felt dizzy and I couldn't see clearly. As I entered the gates I heard. . .

(Someone screams down the street)

I turned and saw some punks trying to steal from a lady, I rushed to the scene forgetting I can't even throw a punch, as I got to closer they took off. . .I tried chasing them off further pretending to be a super hero

"This story would have taken a wrong turn if they didn't just run off" I whispered

I came back to the scene and saw a pretty girl standing with her purse glued to her chest,her smooth but pale skin, gorgeous blue eyes and long dark hair where the only things I recalled, as I lost consciousness and fell on the floor.
As I laid down on the cold floor , images and memories of my car wreak came rushing back to me, I remember seeing something come out from the forest at an incredible speed and collided sideways with my car but I couldn't see it clearly....

(Sobbing echoes)

As I was regaining consciousness I could hear a feminine voice in tears,

"please!,somebody help!,please wake up!".

I woke up and saw her try to wipe her tears as she saw me regain consciousness, she tried to smile even with tears rolling down her face and wow! I fell in love with her that instant her smile was heart warming yet deadly to the heart.

"Are you okay, Mr.?"
She showed concern

I stood up on shaky legs and tried to act tough because I couldn't figure out what just happened.

"Yeah...yeah I'm okay, don't worry about me, are you okay, are you hurt?"I asked trying to change the topic.

She sighed in relief ,rose to her feet and wiped of her tears as she shyly tried to hide her pretty face behind her long dark hair.

"Can I escort you home?if you don't mind I want to make sure you get home safe". I insisted.

"Okay......I live few meters from here actually I live in the house over there".she pointed

What!!! she lived just adjacent my house just across the street its seemed to be a good day after all. I escorted her to her doorstep as any gentleman would.

"I live across the streets if there is anything you need just lemme know, okay?" I offered my help.

"Okay......thank you, my name is Leah and thanks again for standing up for me back there."she smiled

"Oh, that was nothing, my name is James and it's a pleasure meeting you. I hope I will get to see you around?"I asked as I turned and walked across the street.

I could feel her staring at me as I cross the road to my house. I'm in love I said to myself with a broad smile on my face. . .

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