Chapter - 6

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I dashed out of my house with Angelo on my trail, I jumped and broke through Leah's bedroom window as Angelo went through the door.

I entered and saw him standing over Leah with a dagger in his hand, I rushed and threw him out through the window and followed him as he landed on the ground, as he tried to get up from the ground I rushed and punch through the left side of his chest and to my surprise his heart wasn't there.

"You missed". He smiled

He punched me and my shoulder dislocated he was really strong, if I tried to fight him head on he could kill me, I spoke to myself, he had no fear, I could see it through his lifeless all black eyes.

"What's the matter boy, are you scared?" He teased.

Leah and Angelo jumped through the window and stood by me.....Leah stood in front of me with her arms wide open and snarled, showing her fangs, she was doing it again she was trying to protect me from him.. She hissed beneath her breathe as she kept her eyes locked on him and she snarled louder.

"Wow!!, such beauty Leah". He complimented

"Solan!!, what are you doing here?".she asked still patrolling in front of me.

"you already know what I want, I came for you and the rest of your powerful magic,(he showed her the glowing tube like pendant on his necklace ).... I wasn't able to drain it all the last time we met, my love". He smiled

"Don't call me that, I'm no longer yours solan".

"Oo ooh, I can see you replaced me and that's why you're protecting him from me, even though you know you don't stand a chance against me, how cute....(he roared in anger)....let's fight".

Leah snarled and still held her line , with Angelo and i behind her...i saw Luna rush behind Solan to perform a sneak attack , she held his arm, threw him off  as she walked gently towards him, Luna was fearless.

"Let's save the fight for another time" Solan disappeared into thin air right in front of my eye.

Leah turned and stared at me with a smile, "can I see it". She held my arm and push my shoulder into the right place, she knew I would scream out of pain which I was about to, she reached my lips quickly and kissed me passionately, I forgot the pain as I enjoyed my dream in a reality.

"I hope it didn't hurt and thank you for saving me again." She hid her face in my chest as she hugged me tightly .

"Is anybody hurt?". Luna starred at us.

" we're all good ". Leah replied.

There was a lot bothering me, a lot of questions I needed answers to, but the problem was who to ask.

(Next morning)

I woke up and the house was empty, I could hear some noise in the woods....

"Angelo........Angelo". I called but no answer.

I took my bath, dressed up and went downstairs I found Angelo's favorite hat on the couch , when I held it, I saw were he was through a short vision, I could smell him now, his scent led me into the forest. When I got there he was training in the forest all alone, I could see through his eyes something was bothering him.

"Can I join you, I could use some lessons you know". I smiled at him he was like a brother to me.

"Yeah sure, what do you want to know James ".he asked willing to help.

"I wanted to know what was wrong with you brother." I kept my smile on

Angelo kept on training pretending not to have heard what I asked, he did an unexpected surprise attack move on me but I countered him easily.

"You've gotten your answer James ". He returned to his training post.

"What!,how!?, what do you mean but that?". I was puzzled with what he said.

"you used less than 3 days to learn all the skill of a vampire even though you a not fully one of us because, when Luna got there to help you out you were already dead!".Angelo seemed very sure of what he was saying

"What how can that be possible!". I asked in doubt

"Yes he is speaking the truth you were dead before I got you, no heart beat nothing but you woke up by yourself some hours later and I gave you my blood to heal but you weren't healing so I left you there because the ambulance was approaching". I heard Luna's voice as she appeared behind me.

"So what does that mean, tell me!!". I shouted a bit on top of my voice .

"Hmm, you've to die after being fed by a vampire to become one, but you didn't , you learned to be a vampire and you did it easily". Luna added

"I'm scared I will die, James because I'm the weakest amongst the four of us now". Angelo looked scared.

As were talking I heard a twig break in the woods.

"Someone is watching". Luna stood up and chased with both Angelo and I behind her.

Luna caught the spy and held him up by his neck.

"who sent you?Luna asked

Spy kept mute he had no intention of speaking even though he was dying.

"He is human". Angelo examined

He went closer to the spy and looked into his eyes quietly........
"tell me who sent you here?" Angelo whispered into his ears.

"Solan sent me here to distract you guys". He replied

"Distract us from?".Angelo asked

"(he laughed), can't you see you left one behind". He replied

Leah?.....I thought and my guess was right, I fed on him and tore his neck of his shoulder in just a blink.

We rushed home and found Leah sitting outside listening to her Ipod, she wasn't harmed, she was as we left her.
I rushed and held her close to me as I hugged her.

"What's wrong James?" Leah asked giggling and smiling, I could see she was enjoying the hug.

"We found a spy in the wood , I guess he was playing mind games with us". I replied.

"We have to leave". Luna was looking worried.

"Where are we going to?" Leah asked

"The mansion, we have go into hiding". Luna had a point there but its seemed predictable.

"No!! We stay here, for now." I objected

"Yes I agree, it seems its a trick to lure us into showing them where the mansion is located". Angelo added.

Luna agreed and she casted a protection spell around the house.
Leah and I laid in the couch with her head on my chest, at that moment I didn't want her to ever leave my sight. I still had questions to ask her.

"Leah, who is Solan?, can you tell me more about him, what aren't you guys telling me anything?". I asked her with my hands wrapped around her waist.

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