When You Get Mad At Them

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"We're not your fucking babysitters anymore, (Y/n). You can take care of yourself." Jeff glared at you, before walking past you making sure to hit you with his shoulder in the process.

Just as he was about to head down the hall to his bedroom, he was interrupted by a dagger passing right by him, landing straight into the white wall. However, Jeff wasn't left untouched, you had thrown the dagger in a way to leave a cut on the side of his face.

This caused him to turn around and run towards you with his knife held high, "You fucking bitch!"

While you and Jeff fought, Liu watched from the sidelines, thinking of how to put an end to this.
Even though it was obvious that he wouldn't be able to do so, both you and Jeff were now grown adults, Liu no longer had authority over you guys.

"W... why'd you leave me?" You shouted in Jeff's face as he managed to slice your arm.

This sudden question left Jeff to be in a state of shock, "What?"

You noticed that he was now cut off guard and stabbed him in his abdomen, making sure to not stab him anywhere that would actually lead to his death.

In return, Jeff groaned in pain, "shit."

"Why'd you leave me?"

Betrayal and heartbreak was laced within your voice, your brothers could tell. Especially when there was tears streaming down your face.

Silence filled the room, which caused your disappointment to only grow.

Deciding to not put up with this any longer, you grabbed your coat and walked out of the house, all while holding on to your bleeding arm.

Jeff and Liu only watched as their baby sister walked out of the door with soft sobs passing her lips.

After a minute, Liu was about to speak; however, he was interrupted when Jeff walked to his room with no words.

That's when he realized, both of his siblings left him to clean up the bloody mess that was a result of their fight.

"Dammit, they always do this."


It had unfortunately, been one of Toby's bad days. Which are usually the days that you avoid him at all costs, in fear of what he may do.

Now, you're not saying that he will attack you at any point in time, you're saying that he will unless he already had a job to kill others.

He did not. Slender had not requested Toby's services for the past 3 days, and that got to him.

So now, here you are, sitting at the dining room table eating [food].

Just as you were about to take your last bite, the front door was slammed open, revealing Toby with his hoodie pulled over his eyes. You immediately knew what was about to happen and quickly set your dish in the sink before [speed]walking to your room.

However, just as you were about to reach for your doorknob, the wall right beside you was met with a hatchet, Toby's to be specific.

You held your breath as you heard footsteps grow near. Just as you heard Toby reach for the hatchet once again, you turned your doorknob and quickly shut the door, making sure to lock it, before running inside of your closet.

Your heart was beating rapidly, to the point that you felt as if it would explode. Tears began to well up in your eyes due to feeling overwhelmed with everything that was currently happening.

However, just as you were about to open the closet doors, you heard wood cracking. It was your door.

Toby was breaking down your door using his hatchet.

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