Chapter 34: A New Life

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-------------Jo's point of view---------------

After we arrived in New Orleans again, Elena talked to John and told him everything about our journey. At first he was shocked, but in the end he forgave her and the two moved together. Because of that Nathan and me were now living together in our house. It was now a week ago, since we came back and I already had much work to do for my students. I was sitting on the couch and prepared the lessons, but I was pretty tired, so I put away the books.

"Just five minutes.", I lied to myself and laid down on the couch.


When I awoke, I felt Nathan's hand stroking my cheek.

"Good morning, princess.", he smiled.

"What? Is it already morning? I have to go to school.", I shouted surprised and sat up. Then I realised, that he just said that to freak me out. "Oh you!"

Nathan sat down next to me and grinned.

"You gave me a goddamn heart-attack. Don't you dare to do that again.", I laughed.

"What you gonna do about it?", he asked.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe hide your popgun."

I knew, he loved to play with it. He even drew faces of Yetis or Lazarevic on targets to shoot at them. Sometimes I even played with him. It was like paintballing, but without the paint.

"You'd really do that?", Nathan asked.

I smirked. "Maybe."

"I'm afraid, I can't let you do that."

"And how are you gonna stop me?"

"Maybe like this."

Nathan leaned closer to me and began tickling me until I was laying on the couch. He moved on top of me and pinned me on the couch. I looked into his wonderful blue eyes and cupped his cheek with my hand. He gave me light kiss and smiled at me.

I smiled back. "You know, I really need to finish the school work."

"Nah, c'mon. You don't need to do this now."

"Yes, I do."

"Convince me.", he teased me.

"It's due in two days ..."

"So you still got time tomorrow."

"But tomorrow I have a meeting--"

"Not an argument."

I groaned.

"Come on. I know you don't want to do this now.", Nate grinned.

"Yeah, you're right.", I admitted and pulled him closer to me. I felt the touch of his lips against mine. Eventually we pulled away.

"Hey, are you happy?", Nathan asked.

"Sure. And you?"

"Uhm, yes.", he hesitated.

"What is it? What's wrong?", I asked and we sat up again.

"It's just ... I think this life is really good. It's peaceful and happy, but it's also kinda boring.", he admitted.

"I understand. So you don't like your job?"

"It's not about the job, Jo. It's about our daily routine, you know? This just isn't the way I want to live."

"Well, we can't go out there and search for treasures. It's way to dangerous and besides, I don't want that. I mean it was awesome and I really enjoyed it, but I had enough people shooting at me and enough psychopaths hunting me our you."

"Jo, please, that's--", Nathan tried to continue, but I cut him off.

"No, Nathan, listen. I am happy, that this life is over. Look: Rafe is dead and we can finally life in peace. I didn't have nightmares since like forever! I don't want to ruin our lives by finding another person to hunt us!"

I got up and left the room.

"Jo, please!", Nathan shouted.

I went upstairs and laid down on our bed. I just want us to live in peace. Why doesn't he get it? I loved our adventures, but I'm tired of being hunted and having to kill people. Jesus, how many people did I kill? I don't even know.

Frustratedly I turned around to Nate's side of the bed.

He knows, what I have been through. What we have been through. But nevertheless he wants to continue this life? We are happy now, aren't we? Well, he obviously isn't.

I sighed. I have to talk to him.

I got up and went downstairs. He was still sitting on the couch, looking surprised to see me.

"I am sorry. You aren't happy with our life right now and that's okay. We can change it, but you have to understand, that I don't want to be a treasure-hunter any more."

"I don't want that either."

"But you--"

"No, I just said, that I would like to live a different life. Look: I found this in my pocket.", he said and put a couple of coins out of his pocket, golden coins, that looked very familiar.

"How in the world--?"

"Sam.", he answered.

"Son of a bitch.", I scoffed and sat down next to Nate.

"I wanted to ask you to start going the legal way.", he delicately said.

"You mean becoming archaeologists?"

"Yeah, something like that. You like it?"

"That's awesome. I mean, we lead a life, that we love and we don't have to deal with people shooting at us.", I smiled.

"So, this is a yes?"


"Well, there's just one question left: Elena. We wouldn't see her very often."

"Hmm, maybe she could restart her show? We can ask her about that."

"That's a good idea.", he smiled and stroke my cheek. I turned around to him and smiled back. We leaned in and our lips met. Eventually we had to pull away to breathe.

"I love you, Nate."

"I love you, too, Cotton Eye Jo."

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