Chapter 32: Fighting

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Rafe didn't listen to us and swung the sword in our direction. We got out of the way and I seized his hand to hold him back. Unfortunately he was stronger than me and pressed me on the ground, the sword inches away from my neck. I held it back with my hands.

"Don't get between me and Drake! He has to die, so--"

Suddenly he was pushed away from me and rolled against a wall. I got up and thanked Nathan, who had kicked him in the stomach. No he was holding a sword in his hands as well.

"Get back, Jo. I got this."

"I won't let you fight alone.", I said and grabbed a burning stick from the ground.

By now Rafe was standing again. "I will kill you!"

"You'll try.", I said.

"Yeah, en garde, dickhead."

We began fighting and after a few minutes, Nate was pinned to the ground by Rafe. I seized the opportunity and kicked him in the head. Nathan got up and put his sword against Rafe's throat.

"We're done here. Jo and I will take my brother and then get out of here."

Rafe didn't listen to him, but freed him by cutting Nate with his sword. He stumbled back, but before Rafe could stab him, I hit him with the stick. His shirt caught fire and while he was busy extinguishing it, I helped Nathan up. His wound was bleeding, but he told me, that everything was fine. Rafe attacked again. This time he focused on taking me out first. I tried to dodge, but he cut my thigh, which caused me to stumble back. Rafe didn't hesitate and hit my head with his fist. Unfortunately he hit the exact spot, where my laceration was, so I blacked out.

When I awoke, I saw Nathan pinned down on the ground by Rafe, who was about to kill him. I realised, that Nate didn't had his sword any more. I looked around and found it a few feet away. My head still hurt pretty bad, but I managed to get up and toss the sword to him. He blocked Rafe's hit with it and they began fighting once more, Nathan still laying on the ground. Rafe's brutal hits eventually caused Nate's sword to break.

"This is what you get, when you steal my girlfriend!", he screamed and swung his sword.

I noticed one of the nets with the barrels hanging right above him. The rope, which it was hanging on ended right next to me.

"I am not your girlfriend!", I shouted and cut the rope with my knife.

All the barrels in the net fell down on Rafe.

"Holy shit.", Nathan said.

"No time for talking. Help me with Sam.", I told him and we tried to lift the pile. By now Sam had awoken.

"It's too heavy.", he said.

"No it's not. Try again.", Nate encouraged him, but Sam was right.

"Listen to me, Listen to me. All I ever wanted was to find this treasure with you. And we did. We found it."

"No, there's gotta be another way.", I tried to lift the pile again.

"We're not leaving you here!", Nathan shouted.

"You need to go!", Sam pushed us away.

"No, we can't just leave you."

"Jo, I got an idea.", Nathan told me. He pointed one of the cannons at the ground beneath Sam.

"That could work."

"Guys, what are you doing?", Sam asked.

"Just keep your head down.", Nate said and fired.

The cannon blew a hole in the ship and water began floating the room. Now Sam was able to swim away from under the pile. We helped him up and began diving out of the ship. When we reached the surface again, the Gunsway was exploding.

"There's our way out, guys!", Sam shouted and pointed to an exit out of the cave.

We swam towards it, while the whole cave collapsed behind us. Finally we made it out of it and went ashore, where Elena and my father were already waiting for us. As soon as we were able to stand, Nate pulled me into a firm embrace.

"Are you okay?", he asked.

"Yes, and you?"


We pulled away and he put a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Nate!", I heard my father's voice.

"Oh shit.", I laughed and leaned my head against Nathan's chest. "We have to tell him sooner or later."

"I hope, he won't kill me.", Nathan grinned.

Drakeness from small Beginningsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें