Chapter 9: Words of Comfort

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-------------------------------------------Jo's point of view------------------------------------------

Suddenly I heard the door being opened and turned around. It was Nathan.

"Hey, so ... did Sully tell you?"

"Yes, yes he did. I am so confused right now.", I didn't know what to say any more. Nathan came over and leaned against the balustrade next to me.

"So, Miss Avery ..."

"You knew as well? Since when?"

"Sully told me, when we were rescuing you from Rafe. He made me promise not to tell you. I would have told you, but he kinda scared me."

"Scared you?", I asked laughingly.

"Yeah, he really wanted to tell you himself, because he was afraid to lose you if you find out through someone else. He thought, that you would think he only adopted you because of your heritage."

"Mmh ... Maybe he did."

"No, Jo. Well, yes at first, but that's twenty-three years ago. And I have known the two of you for more that half of my life. I know he sees you as his daughter, not as a tool."

"Thanks for saying that. You're probably right ..."

I remained silent.

Nathan seemed to be eager to say something, but he hesitated. We kept silent for a few minutes.

"We have to kill Rafe, don't we?"

"I don't know. Maybe."

"We have to do it, or he will kill you. I won't let him harm you. Not him, not his mercenaries or even Nadine Ross. God, it really hurt. How is your face?"

"Eh, better. The ibuprofen is working, I guess."

"That's good. I didn't even take mine. I was so upset."

"How come you're not unconscious? She hit your face with a book from the shelves! You definitely need to take an ibuprofen."

I went inside to get the painkiller. Nate followed me. I quickly swallowed the pill , when Sam entered the room.

"Come on, guys. We need to sleep. It's almost 3am.", he said.

"Okay.", I yawned. "Sleep well."

I went to the couch and laid down.

"Good night, Jo.", Nathan quietly said and went to his and Sam's room.

When the door closed, I dressed into my pyjamas and began rethinking. I did that quite often. I stayed awake half the night, thinking about my problems, plans, most of all Rafe and my fears. This time I thought about my heritage. It hurt so much, knowing, that Sully probably only adopted me, because Henry Avery was my ancestor. At least Nathan had been there for me. He always is. I am so happy, that he is my friend. After thinking for a few minutes I finally fell asleep.


I felt a light touch on my cheek, a hand removed a strand of my hair. I opened my eyes and directly looked into Nathan's blue ones.

Oh, those eyes, those wonderful eyes, how I love them. Quit it, Jo! What are you thinking?, I tried to distract myself, but I ended up looking into his eyes again. His hand still touching my cheek. "Good morning, Jo", Nathan quietly said.

"Good morning.", I smiled.

He removed his hand from my cheeks and helped me up. I noticed, that he was still wearing his pyjamas, consisting of a pair of shorts and a top. I tried not to stare at him and excused myself to take a shower and get dressed.

I put on a long jeans and a green sweater and tried to bring my hair under control. After a few minutes I decided, that it was hopeless and went back to the kitchen. The three men were already sitting at the table, eating breakfast.

"Good morning, guys."

"G'monin', tcho.", Sam said with a mouth full of bread.

"What?", I asked and he swallowed.

"Good morning, Jo.", Sam repeated.

I sat down at the table and made myself a sandwich. Sully was quietly drinking his coffee and avoided eye contact with me. The result was an awkward silence. We finished breakfast and quickly packed our stuff.

After half an hour we took of to Scotland.

Author's note: Hey guys, I am so sorry for keeping you waiting this long. Guess what? The exams are back! Yay! *sigh* I hope I can continue updating for the next few weeks, but I can't promise anything.

BUT I will post at least one chapter before Christmas. I can promise that. :)

Another thing: Thank you for the 107 reads!! This made me so happy :D

I love you, guys ;)

Drakeness from small BeginningsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя