Chapter 22: Hurt

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Heyyyyy I'm back! :D I finished all my exams and can update again. Btw in this chapter is a lot of medical stuff and most of the time I have no idea, if it's correct and, if such things even exist so don't judge. I'm just writing. I'll study medecine later :)

When I awoke, the wound in my shoulder was closed and no more blood was dripping out of it. I sat up and grabbed the knife out of my boot too cut my hands free. It was a little difficult and I accidentally cut my arm, but in the end it worked out.

I looked over to Nathan. He looked calm, just like he was sleeping. I carefully stroke his temple. My hand moved to his hair.

"I won't let him hurt you again. Never.", I whispered. I figured, that it would be better to start patching him up and searched for paper towels and disinfectant spray, because there was a laceration on his forehead, that needed fixing. I found everything in my bag, cleaned the wound and put a plaster on it. I knew, that this wasn't the proper way to treat such a wound, but I was not a doctor, so this was the best I could do. I checked him for other wounds, but was unable to find any, so I checked our surroundings. I had no idea, where we were, so I walked around a bit, but stayed close to Nathan in case he woke up. Suddenly I heard him shout.

"Jo? Jo, where are you?"

I could identify the panic in his voice and immediately yelled back. "I'm coming!"

When I reached him, he was already sitting and rubbing his head. I knelt down to him.

"Don't. Lay down again. You have a lacerated wound and I don't know, if it's a concussion. Do you feel sick?"

I pushed against his shoulders, so he laid down again and put my bag beneath his head.

"I ... I don't think so. But what about you? How are you? Jesus, your shoulder!"

"Shh, I'm fine, it just started bleeding again, but it's okay."

"But that is much blood. Very much blood. You sure you're okay?"

Until now, I didn't notice how much blood I lost. Nathan was right; it was a lot, but I didn't feel dizzy or something like that.

"No, really. I'm okay. And you? You had quite a fight with Nadine. Is there anything else I can patch up?"

"Literally every inch of my body.", he sighed. "No, I mean it hurts, but that will probably just be some bruises. Don't worry 'bout me."

I grabbed a flashlight out of my bag. "I need you to look right into the light. I want to know how you eyes react to the light to make sure you don't have a concussion."


I didn't gave him a chance to answer and pointed the flashlight at his right eye. At first he tried to look away, so turned his head around with my other hand and held it in position. I pointed at the other eye.

"Seems like your pupillary response is normal. Congratulations: you don't have a concussion."

"Pretty cool. Could you now stop pointing the flashlight at me. I think I went blind on my left eye by now."

"Oh, I'm sorry.", I turned off the flashlight and put it away.

"Am I allowed to sit up, doctor?, Nathan asked.

"Yeah, of course.", I smiled.

He sat up and hugged me. I was surprised, but hugged him back.

"What is that for?", I asked curiously.

"Nothing. Just ... Thanks for patching me up."

"No problem."

"Are you really okay?"

"Yeah, it's just ..." I held tighter onto Nathan and buried my face in his shoulder. "I was so worried about you. After the grenade exploded, I didn't hear anything from you."

"But I'm okay. Don't worry about me."

His hands stroke my back. "I was worried about you, too. When Rafe hit you, when threatened to kill you, I was ... What if he had pulled the trigger?"

I pulled away to look into his eyes.

"But he didn't. And now we're still alive. I mean we're in the middle of nowhere, with no food or water and not the tiniest idea, where to find Sam, but we're alive and in the end, that's all that matters."

He nodded. His hands went along my arms and stopped at my hands. I felt him tense up.

"What happened to your arm?", he asked referring to the cut.

"I tried to cut the rope, I was tied up with, but it wasn't so easy after all."

"Jesus, why didn't you wait for me to wake up. I could have helped you."

"Yeah, but your laceration needed fixing."

"You are exceptional, Jo.", he smiled.

"So are you, Cowboy."

He laughed. "Don't remind me of our old nicknames, Sully Junior."

"Well, technically you have to call me Avery Junior now."

"Nah, you're more of a Sullivan to me."

"Thanks.", I smiled at him. "But you have to admit, that it's pretty cool to know I got pirate-blood running through my veins."

"And nevertheless, you get sick on boats.", Nathan teased me.

"Only when it's you driving.", I teased back.

He smiled and we stood up. Suddenly he tensed up and staggered and I placed my hands on his arms, so he wouldn't fall down again. He stumbled against me, but I managed to prevent him (and me) from falling.

"What's the matter, Nathan?"

Instead of a response, he just groaned in pain and held his stomach.

"Come on. Lay down again."

He did as I said. "It's my stomach. Nadine kicked it really hard. I don't think-"

"Shh, it's okay. Don't move. Let me just have a look at it."

He nodded with his eyes closed and I rolled up his shirt. I immediately noticed the spot, where Nadine kicked him. I pressed my hands against it.

"Does that hurt?"

Nate nodded again and I put my hands in a different position.

"And that?"


"I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

I removed my hands from his stomach and rolled down his shirt again.

"I think your muscle is partly torn due to the hit and now you're having a cramp. There is nothing I can do, but the pain will stop in a few minutes."

He writhed in pain and I took his hand. I placed my other hand on his cheek.

"Look at me, Nate."

He opened his eyes. "It hurts."

"I know. Trust me, I know. It will be over soon. Such a cramp only lasts for two or three minutes."

It was like torture seeing him in pain. "God, Nathan, I am so sorry."

I caressed his cheek and he began relaxing a little. He calmed down more and more.

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