Enemy Love (Chapter 1)

Start from the beginning

Shaking my head, I flattened my ears down to my head. "It never should have happened," I whispered, looking at myself in the water.

Josh licked my muzzle, whining and pawing at me. "Isis, there was nothing you could have done. Now let's get you back home. You don't want Ileana to start worrying."

"She doesn't even know I left, I gave her the dreamless potion," I muttered while starting on my way back home.

"Doesn't matter, she still knows you're hurting. It's your crazy twin telepathy thing," he said while following me.

I smiled slightly, shaking my head. "I told you, it's not telepath, it's because of our marks," I said while looking down at my white paws, the brown hearts glowing. As I ran back home, I didn't worry about anyone seeing me. My coat is a light brown color with lighter brown swirls around my entire body, no one would be able to see me. And if they did, they would only see my tail, which had a white tip to it, along with red.

As I approached my house, I changed back into my human form. I looked back at Josh, giving him a quick hug, loving the feel of his soft fur. "Thanks, Joshy," I whispered while kissing his muzzle.

I walked up to my door, waving goodnight to him and walking back in. While walking up to my bedroom, I realized that giving him that tiny kiss was probably a big mistake. I pushed that thought out of my head, crawling into bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I feel into an exhausted sleep.

My alarm blared through the room, I growled, taking it and tossing it at the wall. Sitting up, I flattened my hair. I climbed out of bed, heading into my bathroom and got ready for the extremely stupid day of school. Once done with my shower, i pulled on my black tank and black mesh top, pushing my hair out of my face. Just as I was pulling on my black skinny jeans, Ileana walked in.

"What do you want?" I asked her.

"I'm so sorry about last night. I-what did you do to your hand?" she asked in a worried tone.

I looked down at my bandaged wrist, shrugging my shoulders. "It collided with a wall," I said while lacing up my boots.

"Why?" she asked while leaning up against my bathroom door frame.

"Why do you always have to ask so many questions? And don't you think those shorts are a little to short?" I motioned to her pink plaid crotch shorts.

"Yes, and why are we hitting walls?"

"Would you rather I hit a person instead?" I asked while standing up and walking back into my bedroom, grabbing my bag.

"No. But that doesn't answer my question," she said while following me.

I laughed, shaking my head. "That, you will never know," I grabbed my car keys, looking back at her. "Now let's head to that miserable place you call school."


"Is your sister like emo or something?" Kristina asked me the second that I sat down at our table when I got to school.

I looked back a few tables at Isis, sensing my gaze, her eyes met mine for a second before turning back to the other people at her table. "No, she just hurt her hand yesterday, she's not a cutter or anything."

Kristina, along with some of the other girls at the table, sighed with relief. "Good," she said, "that would just ruin your reputation if your sister was emo."

I controlled my quick lash of anger. My friends were... petty to say the least, but they just couldn't understand the bond that Isis and I had. To tell the truth, I didn't even completely understand it, but she was my sister and I loved her the way she was.... Even if she might end up killing herself with how reckless she is.

"Ileana? Hello, anyone home?"

I forced myself back to the present and put on a smile. "Oh shut up, Jody," I said good-naturedly, "I am allowed to space every once in a while. It's basically in my job description."

My whole table all looked at me, then at each other, then we all started to laugh, at what, I am not really sure.

"I really hate school," I groaned flopping onto the couch of our living room.

"It hates you too," Isis stated.

I glared over at her. "Yeah, I am just feeling the sisterly love here."

She glanced over at me. "Really? 'Cause I'm not."

I was going to say something, but before I could, my cell phone started ringing. I glimpsed at the number. "Crap," I groaned. "Here, Isis, answer it."

"Why would I do that? It's your phone."

"It's The Council, I don't want to talk to them. Please, Izzy."

She looked as if she would rather just kill me then put up with the decrepit Elders, but it was something that we had to put up with while being the only surviving blood relative of the late Alpha. "Fine," she sighed and I thanked her then threw her my phone.

She caught it, answering it right away. "Hello?......Mhm.....Yes, I am very sorry about that bu-.....okay.....yup....alrighty....I'm sorry, I'll work on it....Okay, we'll be right over, Good-bye."

"Work on what?" I asked, confused.

She rolled her eyes, tossing my phone back to me. "My grammar."

"Let me guess, you were talking to Elda?"

"Yup. Now go get ready, we have to be over to The Hall in ten minutes," she said, getting up and grabbing her keys. She tossed my jacket in my face, before walking out the front door. "And go change, you know they hate it when you dress like that."

I took the steps two at a time, running up to my room to change my shorts for a pair of pants. I didn't want to go to the meeting. I liked being a Lycan, but it was the thought of leading anyone that scared me. I was afraid that I would ruin my father's name or something like that, I just knew that I could never be anything like my father. Isis, whether she knew it or not, was a great leader, but she has nearly no control over her temper. She also didn't know if she was even going to stay with our pack or not.

Bailey was waiting for me when I ran out the front door. "Come on, girly, we're going to be late," he told me, easily keeping up with me, "your sis left with Josh already. Oh, and let me tell you! That boy undresses her with his eyes. I wish that I had my boyfriend looking at me like that."

I spared a quick glance at him. "Okay, Bay-bay, I think that being gay has messed up your head a little bit. Josh so doesn't like Isis."

"Yeah, he does, he just won't let either of you see that."

I rolled my eyes, I had known Bailey nearly all of my life, but you could never really get used to how he thought... and I don't really speak gay. "We are going to be late, we have to Change."

His big brown eyes got even bigger. "Girly, please no, I would rather be late. When I Change, I feel like a big fluffy puppy and kids are going to attack me to feel the fluffiness!"

I tried figuring that out for a second. "What?!"

"Don't hurt yourself trying to figure it out."

I ground my teeth together. "Oh shut up. Well, if you're not going to change, I'll meet you there. Oh, have fun being killed by Isis when you're late. Bye, Bay-bay!"

"Ileana! Wait!" he called out to me, but I was already Changed and was running faster than he ever could in his human form.

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