Chapter 27: In the Dark

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We had looked around for a few minutes, when Elena opened a secret passage. The ground turned into stairs, that led under the mansion, just like in the church in Madagascar.

"How did you do that?", Nathan asked surprised.

"There's a bloody fingerprint on the globe right here where Libertalia should be, and I ...", she shrugged. "... pushed it."

"Nicely done.", I complimented her and we went down the stairs.

The tunnel was very dark, so we used our flashlights and after passing an iron gate we found some footprints again.

"Looks like we're on the right way.", I said.

"That's a lot of footprints.", Elena stated.

Nathan nodded. "Let's take this slow."

Suddenly everything went dark. I was walking behind Nathan and it was far too late for me to notice, that he stopped walking. Long story short: I bumped right into him.

"Sorry, Nate.", I mumbled. Luckily it was dark, so he couldn't see me blush.

"Not your fault, I should have said something.", he answered. After some cursing and shaking the flashlight worked again, but broke after a few steps.

"Did you bring any spare batteries?", Elena asked.

"Yes, but now they're at the bottom of the ocean.", I answered.

"I won't ask."

"We won't tell.", Nathan replied still shaking the flashlight to make it work again.

We entered a room with a wooden floor. Some of it was broken and revealed spikes with skeletons.

"Some kind of death trap?"

"Think so.", I replied to her. "Well, Sam and Shoreline made it across. We just have to follow their lead."

We in fact made it across, by stepping onto the footprints and without falling to our deaths. There was another tunnel on the other side, but it was blocked.

"The footprints end here. Looks like they went through and made it collapse behind them.", Nathan assumed.

"Well, there is no possibility to get through there, so I'd suggest to find another way.", I said.

We turned around and Nathan's flashlight stopped working again. I heard Nathan curse, when I suddenly remembered something.

"Hey, Nate. You still got Sam's lighter?"

"Yeah, you're right.", he tried to lighten it, but it was empty. "Of course he used it all up. Smoked like a goddamn chimney on the boat ride over ..."

"Relax.", I heard Elena's voice. "I brought some matches."

"You did?", I asked.

Instead of hearing an answer, I saw a small flame and walked over to it. Unfortunately it went out again, so became dark. I heard an "Ouch!" from next to me.

"You okay, Nathan?"

"Yeah, I just tripped over something.", he answered.

I went over to where I heard his voice and felt for his hand to pull him up.

"Thanks, Jo."

God, how I loved it, when he said my name like that. It was a soft voice, calm and reassuring. I would to everything for him, if he asked me in this tone.

Stop it, Jo. Focus on saving Sam. Jesus, get your act together. There are far more important things, than crushing on your best friend.

I'm not crushing on him.

I tried to convince myself, but I had to admit, that in the last weeks, I had seen Nathan differently. I was still holding his hand, when there was a light once again. I looked at the ground and let go.

"Over here!", Elena shouted.

She had found two torches, she was about to light. She handed Nathan one, who took it.

"Thanks. Glad you came prepared."

"Well, someone has to.", she chuckled. "God, if John knew, what I am doing right now."

"Technically it is indeed some research.", I said.

"Yeah, of course, but I am never going to write an article about this.", she stated.

"That's probably better. No one would believe you. They would send you in a mental hospital most likely. And Jo and me as well.", Nathan added.

Elena nodded. "I have to tell John someday, don't I?"

"It would be better, but I'm sure he will understand. He's a nice guy and definitely in love with you.", I said.

"Yeah, he would be a total asshole, if he let's you down.", Nathan commented. "Besides, you could have invited him to come here. It's a nice romantic lighting, won't you say?"

"You have a funny idea of romantic.", I chuckled.

"Yes, I do."

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