Chapter 12- Greek Teddy Bears are NOT as cute and cuddly as we thought

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What separates the best leaders from others is their first thought when the danger comes sliding in. The most heroic or daring come up with crazy plans to trick their enemy in under a second; compassionate leaders would feel that comforting their team is the top priority. I, of course, having my own unique leadership type, I thought- Uh-oh. 

Nyx, the person who wanted the gods to stay dead, had found us. At least her army had. I knew that some gods were powerful as a level 10 earthquake, but some were only able to disturb mortals by enchanting the toilet paper roll to be fed upside-down. Now, I wasn't sure what level on the danger scale the night-goddess stood on- but I wasn't willing to risk getting captured to find out.

Hillary, Ethan, Hannah, and I were led by two of the Mercury Clan, Liam and Juni, down the distressed corridors of the house. As we went, we stuffed random collectibles inside some satchels that were near the Hecate burgers. Apparently, the satchels were bottomless. So we took whatever caught our eye and shoved it without Liam or Juni's consent. 

Liam stopped in the hallway and faced the wall. He felt around on the wall and pushed the brick. the brick seeped into the wall itself. All of a sudden, the wall almost faded like an optical illusion. It was then replaced by a long, dark tunnel. Liam turned to the four of mus. "C'mon," he demanded. "You'll be safer down in the bunker."

We all hesitated. "Shouldn't we be helping your brothers and sisters fight?" Ethan asked. "I mean, we are the people who led them here."

"Trust me, they have everything covered."

 At the corner of my eye, I saw three boys and a girl, all very lean and muscular, ripping apart one of the bunk beds. Then they stood, blocking down the doors and windows with the plywood and heavy mattresses. But even with all that effort, the door started to open, little by little, as if the army was ramming in from the other side.

"But-" I started.

"Let's go!" Liam instructed, pushing us into the tunnel, Juni gingerly following. We headed down the underground shaft. We noticed lit torches hanging on the walls, casting dim light over the shadow-less space. Hillary and Juni grabbed one each and continued with the group. The Hermes kids ran through the passage way, the rest of us strictly behind. After a full minute of twisting and turning darkness, we were led to a chamber the size of 10 bank vaults in the shape of a hexagon. All six walls were tightly compacted mud and chunks of metal, as if someone had vastly damaged the plumbing on a mountain. The roof dropped low, about 15 feet, which was held up by Greek columns. Around the chamber, vascular stacks of currency ( U.S. dollars, Euros, Pounds, Yen, Canadian Dollars, etc.) were piled up to the size of baby elephants wrapped in a thick plastic. Juni Took her torch and lit others that surrounded the chamber.

Ethan stood over one of the piles in awe and greed. He sneakily cut the plastic coat with the tip of his sword. As he reached in, Juni noticed his hand and smacked away. Ethan flinched and winced.

"Don't touch our money!" She snorted defensively, despite her previous scared-self. "It took Hermes four years to collect all this cash and its ours to keep!"

"There must be enough currency to fill the walls of Olympus twice!" Hillary observed.

"Thrice, actually," Liam corrected. "We checked."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Hannah poke a whole into a cube of American dollars and take a third of it. She started to hum distractedly as she stuffed it in her bottomless satchel. I held back a laugh.

Suddenly, A bunch of noises came from around the bunker. Hiss! Reet! Die, traitor! Ahh! Boom! Woo-Hoo!

I clenched my teeth. "The army's through the barricade." I growled to the others.

The God's Reign: Book one, The KnowingUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum