chapter 4- I develop a fear over gingers (except for Ron Weasley)

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When I twisted the silver cross-bones on my new ring, I knew that this was going to be The Chronicles of Narnia all over again. The ring constructed a different form in my hand: a sword. The blade glinted with amber-steel. It had black designs on the metal and a leather hand grip. The sword radiated a sense of intimidation, so when the hunters looked at my weapon, they froze in pure fear, as if their worst enemy had a child with their own mom.

I slid my blade between Lia's knife and my skin. I volleyed it upward and kicked Lia out from under her feet. She stumbled on her butt and slowly got up on her knees. I sat up and stood in a fighting stance, knees bent, sword in front, legs spread. Though, Lia's appearance threw me off guard.

She had curly, red hair, pulled back by an auburn head band. Her cream skin was dotted with orange freckles, like someone splat painted on her face. I'm sparring Little Orphan Annie, huh? Well, it's not a bad way to die.

"Lia?" one of the hunters called. "Are you-"

"I'm fine!" Lia grunted. She stood up, brushing herself off. "Just a little winded," Lia glared at me, giving me a look I wouldn't recommend for the faint-hearted. She twirled her sword in her hand as she walked slowly toward me. "You want to fight? Alright then, Game on."

Lia charged at me with a battle screech. She wound up her sword arm, and swung it at my neck. Without thinking, I blocked the blade with the hilt of mine. This girl was trying to make me the head-less high-schooler! What did I ever do to you? I whined in my thoughts.

My "new friend" lifted her weapon on top of mine and slammed it downward. My arm pulled me down with it. For a split second, my eyes could only see one thing: Lia's foot bonking my head with massive impact. I flew a couple of feet and skirted on the not-so-soft grass.

My head hurt like I was hit by an anvil dropped from heaven, though the feeling wasn't very heavenly. Lia pounced on to me, pinning me and my arms to the ground. As I dropped to the ground on my back, my sword skidded out my hands.

She was without a sword, but that didn't have anything to do with the price of tea in China. (a phrase my parents have said before). She punched my left eye and nose until they stung with heat from the swollenness. I mustered the strength to tuck in my legs toward my chest and then kick up at Lia's shoulder. She stumbled backward as she let go of me. I propped myself up, clutching my sword back in my hands. I felt blood trickle down my lip, which was the first blood drawn of the fight. Who knew how far my opponent would take this?

"Sierra!" My bloodshot ears barely picked up Hillary's screech. I looked over to see her fending off different hunters as well as their pet wolves. I had to admit, she was good at beating the crap out of her opponents, but two warriors replaced every one fallen.

Hillary needs me, I told myself. , Even though she is more likely to kick butt than me. I ran over to Hillary, parrying my way to my best friend.

"What's the matter?" I heard Lia taunt in the distance. "Are you afraid of my superior skills?"

I ignored her, no matter how much I wanted to blow her to Tartarus. I heaved a huntress off of Hillary's waist. The girl stabbed me in the arm with an arrow, but I punched her off balance. Her head hit a tree root, knocking her out. I pulled the arrow out of my sleeve. It stung like scorpion poison, but I didn't care, as long as my friend was safe.

Together, Hillary and I fought back to back, knocking down hunters and slicing Timber Wolves in half. Since when did Hillary know how to fight? Heck, since when did I know how to fight?

We dodged arrows and spears, which was a hard thing to do when there are 20 of each coming at you every minute. Pain flashed in my bones time to time, but I shoved it back down. I ran between the ranks, knocking down huntresses. Most were brought down; some ran in fear of my terror-making weapon. I didn't care as long as they left Hillary alone.

As the fight went on, the sides of my eyes were a faded blur. I felt Timber Wolves bite at my legs. My head still rang from my fighting head-on with Lia.

Pain washed over me as well as exhaustion. I can't do this anymore... I grasped my arm wound and collapsed to my knees.

Hillary parried away another wolf pounce before she noticed me. She knelt down next to me, putting a hand on my cheek. For the first time, her pearl-blue eyes had different expression other than strength: it was pure sadness.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you from this mess," she gasped.

It must have been my blurry vision, but a stream of water ran down Hillary's cheek. Hillary was scared. The universe is full of surprises.

I looked around us. The fighting had stopped to a halt all of a sudden. The hunters gathered in a circle around me and companion.

Lia stepped forward, giving us a look of interest. Then she scowled slightly. "I told you we don't take threats lightly," she smirked. Lia nodded to her hunters. "Ready..."

At that command, all of the huntresses hooked a single silver arrow through each of their bow cords. "Aim..." They pulled them back, pointing the sharp tips at us. Lussafir hissed his head off as he trudged over. He tried to shield us, but his little cat body could only cover so much. I guess this is it...

"STOP!! Hold your fire!" an alarming voice commanded. In confusion, the archers set down their weapons and their wolves closed their gnashing jaws. A part of the hunter-circle made way for a girl with coffee brown hair in a hunter's uniform. Her gaze was calm and relaxed, but she was fit to attack at any moment or angle. For some reason, her body seemed to glow a purple shine, like a very powerful aura. All the hunters, including Lia Mc-Snobby-face, knelt to the new hunter.

"Lady Artemis," Hillary gasped.

The goddess, Artemis, nodded and walked toward me. She saw my pain, like she could stare on the inside of my heart. Artemis knelt down to my level and smiled warmly. "Rest," the goddess chided. "When you wake up, I will explain everything." She raised her thumb and placed it gently on my forehead. Instantly, warmth and sleepiness shot over me like a flannel blanket. Relief fed my exhaustion. My muscles relaxed fully, dropping me on the ground in a full collapse. My eyes flickered closed. I took a deep breath, and I started to dream...

The God's Reign: Book one, The KnowingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang