Chapter 7

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I have over 400 read I'm dying

A week had passed and Jungkook and Taehyung were out for coffee. 

"Are your parents bakers?"

"What? No. Jungkook you know what my pa-"

"Becuase you have a nice set of buns."

Taehyung face palmed as Jungkook and the guy walking past them burts out in laughter,but Taehyung knew that laugh.


"Hey, Tae."

"Is Jackson here as well?"  

"Wow, you don't see your best friend in the longest time and all you care about is his boyfriend!"

"I saw you, like, two weeks ago and just answer the goddamn question."

"No, he's in his dorm with Jinyoung."

Taehyung blushed at the mention of Jinyoung and Jungkook noticed. Jungkook knew the Taehyung and Jinyoung had been dating before but they broke it off and decided to be good friends. 

Clearing his throat, he said,"Taehyung, we should go now."

"Oh, hey Jungkook."

"Hey, sorry but we really should be going now."

Taehyung didn't understand why Jungkook seemed upset.


"Jungkook, are you okay?"

"Just peachy."

Taehyung pouted as Jungkook angrily typed his essay.

"Jungkook, I want a real answer."

"I'm fine. It's just that I can't believe you still blush when you hear Jinyoung's name."

"Oh. Well, h-he was my f-first boyfriend and k-kiss and I just f-feel really flustered when                   s-someone bring him up. Also we're not dating anymore, why do you care?"

Jungkook clenched his fists. "Right," he said through gritted teeth. 

Taehyung noticed his anger and was silent. Realizing Taehyung was scared, Jungkook walked over to him and embraced him.

"Listen, I didn't mean to scare you. I'm just not used to you getting flustered because of other guys or other guys being affectionate towards you and I guess I'm just jealous. I'm sorry for scaring you."

"I-its o-okay."

"Now, lets watch movies and cuddle."


Short but cute........I think

Hoodie | TaekookTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon