Chapter 1

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Taehyung sighed as he packed his suitcase. He was finally moving out and going to college. He was dorming, but he didn't know with who.  The said boy sighed once again as he emptied his closet.  He was just glad he was getting away from him.

God, how he loved him. But he broke his heart. He is the reason Taehyung is like this. Taehyung wished he could turn back time so he wouldn't have even met him.

"Taehyung, come downstairs! Dinner is ready!", Taehyung's thoughts were cut off by the sound of his father calling him for dinner. Taehyung's parents were always almost busy, but it isn't like they had no time for him at all. Despite his mom being the CEO of the famous Kim Industries and his dad being an FBI agent his parents always tried their hardest to make time for him. Sometimes, of course, they were too caught up in their jobs but they tried and thats all that matters.

"Coming, Dad!", he yelled back. He quickly ran down the stairs and joined his dad for dinner.

"So, Taehyung, are you excited about college?", his dad questioned. 

A smile made its way to Taehyung's lips. He was very passionate about his education  and was studying to become a psychologist like one of his older sisters. "Yeah, Dad, I can't wait to start college."

And so the conversation went on.


After dinner, Taehyung went back to packing. He was looking through his closet for things that maybe he could keep here. See, in Taehyung's family, every weekend his sisters would come over and stay. This has been happening since Taehyung's older sister moved out.

On the other hand, Taehyung gasped as he came across a certain hoodie. To be specific it was his hoodie. Taehyung could've swore he gave it back after they broke up. But as creepy as it sounds, Taehyung couldn't help but to smell the hoodie. It still smelled like him, cigarettes and caramel. God, how Taehyung loved that smell and missed it.

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