Sender Unknown

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It was early evening on a Friday and thankfully the communal dorm bathroom had been empty. Alone with his thoughts, Aron made the return journey to the common room, the soft carpet muffling his already quiet footsteps.

Shivering suddenly as if a winter gust blew through the hallway, Aron felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. That was strange in itself as very few people had this number and Logan wasn't due back from his study session for at least another hour.

His phone vibrated sharply again, as if to remind him to check his messages. Groaning slightly he adjusted his toiletries bag under his arm and fished his phone out from his back pocket. Brow furrowed slightly he entered his unlock code to see a text message waiting.

You can't hide from me forever.
I know you too well.

Aron's vision began to blur as a second message was promptly delivered. His world starting to feel like it was collapsing in on itself.

"No." was all he could whisper as he thumbed through the second message.

You were always a sweet boy and I
like the sweet ones. As long as they
keep me happy. I don't like to be angry
with my baby.

After mere minutes that felt like hours to Aron, he found himself in the darkened common room. Retreating to his favourite corner he couldn't even sum up the energy to turn on the lights. Curling himself into a tight ball, he lay on the nearby armchair and quickly fell into a fitful sleep.

* * *

Sighing slightly, his head buzzing with facts and figures, Logan pushed the door to the common room open. Frowning slightly at the lights still being off at this hour, he cast his eye around the darkened room.

"Aron?" he whispered to the darkness.

Not hearing anything, he quietly closed the door and began fumbling for the light switch. It wasn't until he noticed the dim glow of Aron's phone lying forgotten on the carpet by his favourite chair, softly buzzing away. Holding his breath he crossed the short distance to the other side of the common room and retrieved the phone. Scrolling through the messages,his gaze flicked upward to his best friend, shaking and fighting his demons even in his sleep.

Brushing some loose strands of hair from Aron's face, Logan sighed again, softer this time.

"Get some rest little buddy." he whispered getting to his feet. "I'll sort this out and I won't ever break my promise to keep you safe."

* * *

Saturday dawned early. The sun streaming through a gap in the curtains illuminating the specks of dust floating through the air and settling on Aaron's face. Groaning against the light he pulled himself into a sitting position and stretched out the aching muscles in his neck and back.

Logan's door was still closed with no hint of any movement beyond it. Aron had no idea what time Logan had got in last night, or if he got home at all since the time he got to spend with his girlfriend was dwindling.

Logan's girlfriend was a brilliant mind, always focused and standing for what was right. It wasn't by chance that she had been selected to study abroad. It was just another burden Logan would bear

Aron would have to tell Logan about the messages and soon, although after last night he would've given anything to never think about it at all. The one place he knew that should work was the pool.

Swimming laps was always the way Aron was able to collect his thoughts and where any tears shed would mix with the pool water and go unnoticed and unseen. Retrieving his trunks and a towel, Aron glanced once more at Logan's door as he exited the common room. Closing the door quietly behind him he immediately made for the gym.

* * *


n hour later, Aron returned to his dorm, thoughts no less jumbled than they were earlier. Placing his gear in the laundry basket, he looked up when he heard Logan talking. Who could possibly be talking to him at this hour?

"You told me that number was private."


"He was supposed to be safe here."

Another pause

"What if he knows where Aron is?!"


"You need to help me fix this and keep him safe. I'm doing everything I can."

Another pause.

"You do that."

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