Chapter 10

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I left Davy on the field as I wondered what his deal was. Why had he offered to help? The whole situation made me uncomfortable because it confirmed what I had started thinking last night:

This was an investigation.

Reina and I weren't two teenagers randomly guessing on who could have killed our classmate. We were actively looking for suspects and now someone else had decided to join our cause. I wasn't sure on how to feel about that. There was a small part of me that hoped the police would be able to sort the whole Colt case out without any interference from a group of high schoolers with enough on their plates. 

I mindlessly walked through the hallways, my feet carrying me to my first class. 

"Alyssa!" Someone called and I looked back to see who it was. Reina waved smugly as she stood beside Mindy. "Come over here!"

I reluctantly walked towards her. Mindy huffed.

"Now that she's here, can you finally tell me what all this is about?" 

"Well, Mindy, I'm sure you've heard of your dear friend Colt's passing. You must be pretty surprised at the news. Unless you're not so surprised," Reina bared her teeth in what looked like a violent excuse for a smile.

Mindy rolled her eyes before briefly glancing at her watch. "Is this your not-so-clever attempt to accuse me of killing Colt? Believe me, I wish I had. Unfortunately for both of us, I'm not your culprit. Even if I did know who killed Colt, that person deserves to live on a luxury island with an unlimited supply of tropical cocktails not hunted down by a lunatic and friend." 

"That's cute," Reina said. One word that dripped with venom, distaste, and most importantly, power. 

Mindy froze. "You have his phone?"

"What? No."

"Then how'd you see those emails?" Her voice began to get more frantic and her eyes looked panicked.

"He logged into his email on my phone," Reina casually fibbed.

"Oh no...oh no...I'm finished...It's all over." Mindy cried dramatically, "The police don't have Colt's phone either. It wasn't on his body and Jack and I thought it'd probably be with you but if it's not with you, that means it's with the killer."

Reina and I both looked at her, confused. 

"I'm not following," I said.

Mindy squeezed her eyes shut and a few minutes later, reopened them. 

"I'm going to help you guys find Colt's killer," she said nonchalantly, as if five minutes ago she hadn't been in the middle of a mental breakdown.

"No, you're not. Honey, this isn't Scooby Doo. We don't need nor want your help," Reina sneered.

"Trust me, you won't be able to find his killer without me."

"Why do you even want to help?" I cut in. What was up with everyone wanting to be Sherlock Holmes today?

"Because Colt's killer is somewhere out there with Colt's phone. Now that Colt is finally dead, I'm never letting someone have that much power over my life again."

The determination in her voice convinced me in a way Davy had failed to. I was still doubtful about his true intentions.


Mindy and I both turned to look at a fuming Reina. "What?"

"I said no. You don't get to start caring about Colt now that he's dead. So I repeat, no."

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