Chapter 3

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If I was smart, I would have walked into the nearest classroom and ignored the impromptu Fight Club being acted out. Instead, I looked in fascination and wonder at the exchange of punches and kicks before me.

Jack pounded Colt's face brutally. With every punch, Colt's head banged against the tiled floor. Letting out a loud grunt, Colt grabbed Jack's collar and roughly dragged him off. Keeping Jack pinned on the ground, Colt stood up. After regaining his breath, he kicked mercilessly at Jack's stomach.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see our tall principal's shining bald head approaching.

"Colt! Colt! Maybach!" I raised my voice above the cheering crowd. Colt turned his face and I had to fight to keep down my breakfast at the sight of the blood smeared across his cheeks and jaw. He flashed me his usual smirk, this time decorated with blood, before focusing on Jack's struggling body. I rolled my eyes. My warning was supposed to be his cue to extract himself from the fight not continue it!

Jack took advantage of Colt's momentary distraction. He snatched Colt's foot and pulled it towards him. Colt fell to the ground. With renewed gusto, Jack once again began to punch Colt. This time, Colt showed no signs of struggle. The only sign that all his energy hadn't been sucked out of him was the mischievous glint in his eyes.

The crowd fell silent and I could see kids trying to stealthily escape into their classrooms. Mr. Maybach had arrived and he surveyed the scene with disgust.

"Who started this?" He asked.

No one spoke. No one wanted to get on the bad side of either the town's golden boy and the school's bad boy. I, on the other hand, didn't really care.

"Jack," I stated. My announcement echoed through the school hallway, sounding a lot more dramatic than it really was.

Jack glared at me fiercely and I briefly rejoiced that looks couldn't kill.

"I didn't! You can ask Min..." He wildly looked around for Mindy who was nowhere to be found. She'd probably already left for whatever AP class she probably had. Mr. Maybach looked down at him, his expression part pitying and part angry.

"Jack and Colt, follow me. I'm disappointed in both of you. Colt, you're looking at another suspension and Jack...I'll have to talk to your coach about this incident."

While Colt shrugged as if his punishment was no big deal, Jack's face immediately fell. He obviously hadn't been expecting to get in trouble.

I bit back a smile. Should've thought of that before you started jumping on people.

The rest of the day passed without any serious drama. At home, I made myself mac & cheese and settled into my sofa. Deciding to get the history homework over with, I did a quick write-up about the Massacre. I already knew that even if he was staying at home with no school to worry about, there was no way Colt would consider touching any of his assignments. After my homework was finished, I switched on the TV and fell asleep watching The 100.

I was woken up by loud rapping on the window beside my front door. Confused, I slowly walked to the window with light footsteps.

"Alyssa! It's me," Colt yelled.

"Why am I surprised?"

I wearily opened the door then stood in the doorway. "You have five seconds to explain why you're here. If I were you, I wouldn't even bother. Either way, I'm kicking you out."

Colt smiled, his toothy wide grin that always made me lose train of thought.

"I...kick...five...No." I managed to get out.

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