Chapter 2

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I stretched out and yawned on my spacious bed. My mom hasn't really known how to decorate the room for my arrival so she'd left it plain. The walls were painted a light teal and all the furniture was a deep chocolaty brown. I hadn't really gone out of my way to make it unique either. Apart from the multitude of natural hair products littered on my dresser and shelves lined with some of my favorite movies, it was like any other guest room.

Apart from the few features I shared with my mother, I was like any other guest.

I could hear the sound of my mother packing as she talked in hushed tones on the phone. It was probably her husband. They were both lawyers and were preparing to travel for some sort of conference. While I was used to their frequent trips, they hadn't been as forthcoming with details as usual. I'd make an effort to ask about it but it would excite them too much. They'd probably think I was following in their lawyering footsteps.

My mother would probably think I forgave her.

I reached out for the pillow threatening to fall off my bed and secured it below my head. It was already 6pm and today had been an especially tiring day. Colt was still on my mind. Unlike most girls and even some guys, I wasn't thinking about his dark brown hair, his sharp jawline, cool attitude, and admittedly nice motorcycle. It was his conversation with Davy that replayed in my mind. Davy was normally a quiet, go with the flow guy. Whatever the topic was, it was enough to frustrate him.

My phone rang and I checked to see who it was but the caller was unknown. Cautiously, I answered.

"Alyssa?" A deep voice answered.

I rolled my eyes, not bothering to conceal my smile since there was no one to see it. "Speak of the devil," I muttered.

"That's me," he answered smugly. "Wait, were you kidding about not knowing what the project was? Because it's about the founders of Clemont and the Stonefield Massacre."

I nodded. The project was relatively easy. Everyone in Clemont knew about the Stonefield Massacre. The Stonefield Inn still operated today, completely renovated after the incident forty years ago. At a Governor's ball hosting some of the most influential and rich people of our town and surrounding towns, three masked figures entered and shot all the special guests. The masked figures were never caught and by now, they were probably assumed dead.

"Okay. Well then, bye," I said coolly, making no move to end the call. How was I going to ask about his conversation with Davy without seeming too nosy?

"So eager to leave, Alyssa?"

"Yes." A yawn on the other end caught my attention. It was too soft and high pitched to be male.

"Who's on the phone?" A girl asked. I froze, trying to pinpoint the voice.

"Just a friend." His voice had grown colder and more distant.

"Hmmmm. Let me not interrupt your...activities. See you later, Colt," I said, before hanging up the call.

I ignored my disappointment before opening up my laptop and researching my project.


After struggling to pull my coily black hair into a somewhat reasonable bun, I gave up and wrapped a scarf over it. For some reason, my sleep had left me energetic and restless. My mom peered at me suspiciously as I bounded down the stairs.

"What are you so excited about?"

My smile faltered but only for a second. "Just had a good night's sleep."

"Remember, your father and I are leaving for the conference this afternoon. We'll call to tell you when we're leaving!"

I nodded, barely listening to her words. It was only when I got to school that I settled into my homeroom seat and began to check my phone. I squinted at a picture text sent from Colt. Immediately I recognized Mindy's pale skin in gray lingerie splayed out on a dark blue bed.

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