"Dan. What do you want?" Phil asked waving his hand in front of my face.

"Oh, um, nothing. Just a water." I say. I felt too nauseous to eat.

"He'll have pancakes." Phil said to the waitress.

"Phil, I'm no-"

"You need to eat. I don't care if you're still feeling lovesick or whatever but you need to fuel your system." He whispers.

I shrug it off and continue to wonder into my thoughts. I see (Y/N) across the table and instantly feel a burst of butterflies erupt in my stomach.


"So, where are we all going today?" Louise asks.

"I thought we could all go to the new theme park and then Harry Potter world later?" Anthony replied.

"WAIT REALLY!" I said jumping out of my seat excited.

Harry Potter has always been a big part of my life. I've never travelled much before I became a YouTuber because it was too much money, so I've never been to Harry Potter world.

"Have you been before?" Phil asks

"No, never! It's at the top of my bucket list!" I responded.

"Sounds like a plan then!" Dodie says.

"Okay, so after we finish eating let's all gather our stuff & go!" Louise says smiling.

I look over to Dan again seeing a tiny smirk on his face as I smile with excitement about the day.

Dan's POV

I look across the table seeing joy fill (Y/N)'s face as Anthony tells her what we're doing for the day. I can't help but smile a little.

"You're drooling." PJ whispers to me.

"Shut up." I say annoyed.

"Hey, I was trying to help."

The waitress brings over all of our food & I sit there pushing my pancakes around with my fork.

"Does someone need to feed you Daniel?" Louise says poking in.

"Wha? No, I'm just not that hungry." I say faking a tiny smile.

"If you don't eat them I will" Phil said eying the pancakes.

"How about you eat your full plate first Phil" Zoe said laughing.

I sit there bouncing my leg while staring into space.

"Dan, you coming?" Phil asks.

"Huh? Where?"
I break out of my trance and see that everyone's leaving from the table.

"Back to the room to get ready." Phil answers.

"But we just got our food like 3 minutes ago."

"No, actually that was about 40 minutes ago." PJ says.

It couldn't have been 40 minutes. Was I really out that long?

"Are you hungover from last night?" Louise said laughing.

"No, I didn't even drink, I'm just tired that's all."

"You better sleep then, we'll be walking around all day." She says concerned.

"Yeah, thanks Louise." I say standing.

She smiles and walks back to her room.

"Are you going to cheer up before we go out today? You don't want (Y/N) seeing you like this now do you? It's no fun." Phil says

"Phil. Can you just please stop talking about it? I'm really not in the mood to chitchat about this." I reply.

"Whatever." Phil says giving up and walks away leaving me to grieve for myself.

I'm never usually in such a bad mood but I've never felt like this before. I feel like my entire soul has just left my body and I just want to be alone in a dark room. Away from everyone's thoughts. Even though my thoughts are far more dangerous.

I start walking to my room to get ready. I have to at least make an effort today.

**time skip**

(Y/N)'s POV
I hear the sound of laughter as we pull up to the amusement park. Everything's so bright and amazing.

"Holy shit." I say as we park.

We get out of the vehicle and stare at the parts of the exhibit we can see.

They must've spent tons of money making this amusement park. It was huge.

"Come on! Let's go in!" dodie says to everyone, taking (F/N) and I by the hand.

I look behind me to see Dan on his phone not paying attention to anything. Why is he in such a mood? I've never seen him so gloomy (even thought I've only known him for a few days) but he was never like this in any of his videos.

"Why don't you go talk to him and see what's up." (F/N) says looking in his direction.

"I don't want to interfere-"

"GO" she said pushing me.

I walk back to Dan as everyone trails into the theme park.

"Hey, you're on your phone while you're surrounded by twinkling lights and rides! What's wrong?" I ask as he looks up to me.

"I'm just tired that's all." He says with a tiny smile.

"Don't play me like that, I've used that excuse more times than you can imagine. What's really wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, it's just not right. You know?" He says

"Yeah, I completely understand." I say thinking about how Dan and I would never be. I snap out of it and decide to cheer him up.

"But you're not going to feel any better if your you hide away on your phone! Enjoy this day! It's a beautiful evening, Life is good, life is great."

He puts his phone away and I take his hand running up towards the rest of the crowd.

This is going to be fun.

(Also, if you guys have any suggestions you'd like to make on a story, leave a comment:) I hope you're liking the story so far)

All the stars in the sky // Dan Howell X readerWhere stories live. Discover now