Chapter 8

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Your POV

We remain on the beach, the only light coming from the moon and everyone sitting in front of the large bonfire we made. The light of the fire fills my face as I cradle my knees in my arms resting my head on my hands. I sit here in silence thinking about the conversation Dan and I had only a few moments ago while we were watching the stars glisten in the sky. He was so gentle and listened to every word I said. It made me feel happy.

"You alright (Y/N)? You've been really quiet this whole time." Dodie asks me. 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, just lost in thought I guess." I smile.

I look over to Dan who's talking to everyone with a big smile on his face. I couldn't really hear what he was saying because I was too busy admiring him. God, if he was in my thoughts he would run away because of how creepy I'm acting. 

"Do any of you guys have any secret talents?" Phil asked everyone.

"I can guess any animal sound in the world." (F/N) replies.

"What would this animal be then?" Phil then proceeds with a strange animal sound.

"Is that a really bad impression of a raccoon?" 

"Wow, very impressive." Phil says, his smile growing wider.

"Anyone else have any talents?"

"She doesn't like to show people but (Y/N) is a flipping artist. You should see her sketch book. My favorite is when she draws her little cartoons." Dodie mentions. I bury my head in my hands. I don't really like people seeing my drawings, it's like they see all of my thoughts.

"You should show me your drawings sometime! I also draw cartoons and little silly sketches. We could collab and make our own little cartoon or something." PJ says

"Um yeah, sure." I smile.

"What other things do you like to draw?" Dan asks. My heart flutters at the sound of his voice.

"Uh, one of my favorite things to draw are trees. I love the way the branches bend and how gloomy and beautiful forests are." I say blushing slightly.

"I'd love to see those." He softly smiles.

Well thank you Dan Howell for taking my heart out of my chest and suffocating it.

I smile back pushing my hair out of my face.

"Get a room you two. I don't want all this sappy stuff when i'm trying to eat my marshmallows." Louise says.

Everyone laughs as Dan and I awkwardly sit back in our seats.

Everyone began to chat and I just returned to my thoughts.

It was getting late and I became very tired so I close my eyes for a second to rest but fall fast into an unexpected sleep.

Dan's POV

Everyone's sitting around the fire having a good time. Chatting about random things as always and laughing hysterically.

But I was focused on only one thing.


She was sitting there with the fire glistening in her eyes looking gorgeous. I was trying not to stare but she takes my breath away.

"Hey mate, might wanna stop staring. You've been looking at her for a solid 6 minutes." PJ whispers.

"Oh shit, really? Did she notice?" I asked.

All the stars in the sky // Dan Howell X readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt