Chapter 3

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"I'm Dan Howell"

Just 3 words and my heart flew right out of my chest.

"Oh, um, n-nice to meet you! I'm (Y/N) " I say fumbling over my words.

"Wait, you wouldn't happen to be
(Y/YT/N) would you?" He studies my face with his eyes.

"Yep, that's me" I say laughing and internally freaking out.

"Oh wow! I watch your videos all the time! N-not in like a creepy way, I just really like your content." He says biting his lip.

What. The. FUck.

He WaTcHeS mY vIdEoS.

"Thanks, I don't know how you find me interesting in anyway but thanks." I say laughing while trying to keep my cool.

"Shut up! You're freaking hilarious."

"You two gonna get a room or what?" (F/N) says poking in.

"Shut the fuck up." I whisper to her.

"Oh shit. Phil! It's almost 10." Dan says turning to the gorgeously tall boy with dark hair.

"Damn. AmazingPhil looks even more amazing in person." (F/N) whispers to me biting her lip.

Phil walks over to Dan in a panic.

"Oh god. We have to leave! Why weren't you paying attention to the time idiot?" Phil says attempting to be angry. I've never experienced an angry Phil. He always keeps him cool in all his videos. Even if Dan's annoying the shit out of him.

"Wow. Idiot, really Phil? Couldn't come up with anything better?" Dan says chuckling.

"Shut up you... You spork." Phil says earning a giggle from all of us.

"Mm yup, that's even worse." Dan smirks as Phil playfully hits him on the arm.

"Oh hey Phil, this is (Y/N) and..." Dan says.

(F/N) realized she never introduced herself.

"I'm (F/N) nice to meet you." She says stepping up to Phil and holding out her hand.

Phil shakes her hand and then mine.

"Nice to meet you. Wait... You wouldn't happen to be-" Phil starts but gets cut off by Dan.

"Yep, that's (Y/YT/N)." Dan says.

"Oh wow! We watch your videos non stop!" Phil says.

Dan punches his arm hard giving him an annoyed expression.

"Don't make it seem like we stalk her, Jesus." He attempts to whisper to Phil but failing.

"It was nice to meet you both, we have to get going or we'll miss our car. I assume you guys are here for the event also so maybe we'll see you there? Bye!" Dan says dragging Phil along as they begin to run to the doors.

"Okay. What. The. Actual. Hell. Just. Happened." I say still a bit in shock as (F/N) squeals.

"It seems as Daniel may have an itty bitty thing for you." She says nudging me.

"What are you on about? He says he watches my videos! I watch your videos, doesn't mean I want to have a make out session with you. Actually that's the last thing i'd ever want to do." I say gagging.

"So you'd rather get eaten by a alligator than make out with me?" She says a little offended.

"Yeah, I'm sure it's one sexy alligator." I say laughing.

"Anyways! Back to the topic... You need to get on top of that boy."

"What the hell (F/N)! I just met him!" I say looking at her like she's insane.

"Actually, you 'met' him like 7 years ago. His whole life story is basically all on the Internet."

"That doesn't count you idiot! And don't act all innocent. I saw you looking at Mr.Lester over there."

"Yeah, he's fucking hot. At least I own up to it you bitch." She says chuckling.

"Yeah, whatever. We'll get to the event and what ever happens, happens." I say as we walk to the exit.

"If you don't at least talk to Howell I'm going in there and forcing it. There's a warning asshole." She says pointing at me.

"What's with all the name calling today?" I say holding my hands up in defence.

"Just calling you by your original names. I'll make a deal. If you touch Dan Howell tonight I'll stop with the abuse of the names."

"What the hell do you mean by touch him?" I say looking a bit disgusted.

"Like on the shoulder or hand! Or anywheres else if that's where your mind is going but that was your idea you trash bag."

"Okay, fine. You've got a deal Ms.(F/L/N)." I say holding my hand out for a handshake.

She shakes my hand and we walk out of the airport and head to our hotel.

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