He pulled me closer to him to where I was practically sitting on his lap. He buried his face in my neck and hummed.

"I like you to much to let this come between us"

I didn't know what to say, so I just sat there and wrapped my arms around him. I didn't think he was going to take it this easy.

"You know, you never asked me to be your boy friend." I told him.

He peeked at me and smiled. "I thought you was already my boyfriend."

I shook my head with a smile "you never asked me officially."

"Hm, Well Yael Capone Iheme, will you be my boyfriend?"

I looked at him? "Your last name?"

"I plan to marry you too in the future, so will you be my lil baby."

I blushed "yes Q, will be yours."

He cheesed and pecked my cheeks. "I need to head home. You want to stay over?

"I have to see if it's okay with my parents"

"It's okay, just make sure you guys go to school in the morning." Pops said.

"I'm surprised you're letting me go." I got up off Q's lap.

"I trust you with Q and he already knows how I am." Pops told me.

I smile and grabbed Q's hand and lead him up to my room so I can pack an over night bag.

He laid across my bed. "I'm going to match you tomorrow" he said. I peeked out the closet and looked at him


He shrugged "cause I want to"

I shook my head and stuffed some clothes in a bag and packed in some shoes. I dragged my bag out and slipped on some shoes.

"You ready lil daddy?"he sat up and grabbed my bag full of clothes. I picked up my book bag.

"Yup I'm ready"

"Lead the way lil daddy"

I shook my head at the nick name he gave me. It was bound to become annoying. I said my goodbyes to my ma and pops and went out to his car.

"I need to go to the store first okay." He said.

"Hm, okay." I took his free hand in mine and laced our fingers together. "Have you eaten lunch."

I shook my head. "I wasn't hungry " he sighed.

"You have to eat, I don't want you to pass out"

I shook my head. "I'm really not hungry Q"

"How about, after we go to the store I make us my favorite Bean and plantain pottage."

"If it gets you from stop asking me if I ate, then sure."

"Stop it Yael. I need you to eat, I don't want you to be malnourished"

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