5 || skipped ahead, friends maybe

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It has been officially two weeks since I have been going to this new school

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It has been officially two weeks since I have been going to this new school. I haven't had any panic attacks lately, but I feel as though I still have some problems.

Everybody pity's me after what happened and I hate it, do not give me any type of sympathy. Just let me do me and you do you.

I may seem like this spunky, smart Alec feisty kid on the inside sometimes but on the outside I have problems. One minute I am all witty and make great clapbacks but the next I am quiet and more reserved.

"Yael, come on! It is time for us to get to school" Zeke yelled out.

I sighed and grabbed my phone and bag and headed out of my room. I really do not want to go. The classes are way to easy. I pretty much got an A in every class.

I headed down the stairs. Ma and pops were still sleep. So breakfast was out the option. Zeke stood at the door and he was motioning for me to hurry up.

We walked to school since it was only a few blocks. "If you have any problems in class just text me okay" Zeke said.

I nodded, I haven't really talked to my family. I have been mute since the day I had my anxiety attack two weeks ago. I am going to talk when I am good and ready to.

" aright, I wish you would talk though " he sighed.

I shrugged my shoulders and walked in to the school and straight tinny first class which was math. I laid my head on the desk and closed my eyes.

I really did not care. I was the smartest in this class and the teacher new it. She was teaching stuff I already knew how to do by the time I was in middle school.

After the late bell rang, Ms. Lancaster came in and began talking about what we were going to be learning and then she went off topic.

" In PreCal, you would be doing stuff like quadratics or finding the minimum or maximum value of a quadratic function." She said.

I looked up from my notebook to see her with a marker in hand and drew a grind that had an u going from one side ton the other. I looked at it closely and already knew the answer.

"It's not easy, but I know you guys can do it."

I tapped my fingers on the desk and hummed silently to myself.

"Who thinks they know the answer?" She said.

No one raised their hands. I wanted to answer but I didn't feel like it. I laid my head back down

"Yael, since you want to lay your head down, how about you tell us the answer."

I sighed " it's negative five" I muttered not lifting my head.

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