Shop Stuck In Time

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This one's more of a short story but still kind of  one shot. Comment if you think it could become a book.

Briar's POV
I was walking around a rural part of town, just walking and enjoying the quiet. Nothing was amiss, until I saw a small aged building with a little sign hanging above the door. As I got closer I saw that it read Doctor's Antiques. I got excited. I love antique stores, and there wasn't any of them in town, until now I guess. I sped up, skipping towards the door. There seemed to be no one there, no cars parked outside. But an old sign said open on the door so I walked up, pushing it with my hands. A little bell tinkled.

Before my foot hit the threshold, there wasn't anyone in the dimly lit shop, but as soon as my foot crossed over, the shop was filled with people. But it was different, all the people looked like they were from the fifties! I frowned, then looked down. I looked like I was from the fifties! Somehow my ripped jeans, beat up sneakers, and tee shirt had transformed into a pastel blue sundress and little white flats! I reached up my hand to my hair, usually pulled up in a long ponytail, but now it was held back in a pastel blue headband with a white bow? Okay, weird. I walked forwards, through the many people in the cluttered shop. I guess it wasn't antiques anymore but normal, if this was the fifties?

I reached the counter, seeing a tall thin man with graying hair and a sharp curious face standing behind it. He didn't look like he was from the fifties, wearing semi-modern clothes and a pair of shades. I frowned.

"Excuse me sir?" I asked. He looked down at me, or I assumed he did but I couldn't tell through the shades.

"Ah. You." He folded his hands in front of him.

"Um. Do I know you?" I said, confused. I felt like I knew him.

"Oh, maybe not with these on," he said, then reached up and removed the shades.

Everything clicked.

"I'm the Doctor, and I need your help."

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