Any Other Way

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Ima just write and see what happens, kay, is that good, you kinda don't have a day in this but still.....

Wyat's POV
I tugged at my hair, tears rolling down my face. I was sitting on the floor in my bathroom, the door locked and my thoughts rampaging rudely through my head. I hate this, hate when I broke, I hate that I'm so fucking broken, all the time. I hate me.

I can feel the sting of the fresh lines on my arm, bandaged and covered but still there. I hate that I have to mutilate myself to feel okay. I hate it.

I hear a loud ringing and look over to see my phone screen lighting up. Derek, my boyfriend, is calling me. I pick up the phone and answer, but I don't talk first.

"Wyat?" His voice sounds strange over the phone but it's his.

"I need to see you right now, I need to see your face." I whisper into the phone, forcing the tears away.

"I'm heading over there, hang tight okay babe?" He says, I can hear his car starting. After a few minutes, he speaks again. "Open the door, I'm here."

I stand shakily, setting my phone down and rushing down the stairs. I fling open the door and fall into Derek's arms, feeling tears streak down my face. We stand there for a while, him holding me and whispering comforting words to me while I cry into his chest. Soon I stop crying.

"Do you wanna go inside babe?" He whispers and I nod, holding up my arms knowing he'd carry me anyways.

He picked me up and carried my inside, shutting the door with his foot. Up the stairs we went, to my bedroom. He set me on my bed and sat beside me. I immediately crawled towards him and he engulfed me in his arms. "Do you wanna talk about it?" He said coaxingly(is that even even a word?).

I sat up, knowing he hated when I kept secrets from him. He knew I cut, so all I had to do was pull up my sleeves a little to expose the bandages. "I....I'm sorry Der." I whispered.

"Don't apologize, it's not your fault." He said, taking my hands in his.

"But I'm so ugly, and I don't understand what you see in me. I don't deserve you." I said, becoming agitated.

"Babe, you're beautiful, even if you don't think you are. If I could be with anyone in the world, I would still be with you, I promise." He placed his hand gently on my cheek, lifting my head. He leaning in, pressing his lips gently on mine, surprising me.

Every time he kissed me it was like everything was okay again. Every time it just got better. I reached up and put my arms around his neck, moving closer to him. He smirked into the kiss and softly stroked my cheek, making me shiver. He pulled away slowly, smiling ear to ear. A small smile grew on my face. He pulled me towards him and we lay down, cuddling in the darkness.

"I wouldn't have this any other way," he whispered into my ear. I smiled.

"I know you wouldn't."

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