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JOHNLOCK FOR THE WIN! Also I'm writing in third person so yeah...

Sherlock stood rigid, unmoving. He was alone, well not for long as he'd seen a taxi arrive probably carrying John in it. He'd noticed something was weird with his partners attitude. He was awkward and nervous around him. Sherlock frowned, listening intently as the front door closed and John walked up the stairs. John entered the room, slightly caught off guard by Sherlock staring at him as if he'd grow a second head.


Sherlock said nothing as he stepped closer, staring at John. As he got a foot away, he finally spoke.

"Why are you nervous John?"


"Your hands won't stop shaking, you aren't sitting down like you usually do, your messing with the cuffs on your shirt that are already wrinkled. You seemed surprised I was standing up when you walked in, you didn't take off your jacket as you entered, your face is strained, and your pupils are larger as if your looking at someone...." a realization hit him. He knew exactly what was going on. ".....you're in love with..."

Silence enveloped the room. John looked very uncomfortable, as his biggest secret had been revealed. He'd thought it wouldn't have taken this long but it did.

"John, do you...."

John nodded sheepishly. Sherlock was surprised. John had always been sort of...special in his eyes you could say. I mean, the man did out up with him so he must've been something different. Sherlock had recently decided his feelings were the feeling of love. Or what he presumed was love.

"Well, the feelings are mutual." He said, flashing a rare smile at a confused and flustered John.

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