When You're Feeling Inscure

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You had been sitting in the gym with Jughead when the River Vixens walked in to practice their routines. You frowned as you watched the and wondered why you didn't look like that. Pretty soon, Jughead had noticed your staring.
"Y/N, what's wrong?" He asked. You frowned and gestured to the cheerleaders.
"Why can't I look like them?" You asked him. He suddenly frowned and clutched your hand in his. He pulled your hand up to his lips where he placed a gentle kiss on the back of your hand.
"Y/N, you are perfect, I wouldn't want you any other way. You don't have to compare yourself to them. You're beautiful in your own ways." He stated. You smiled at him.
"Thanks, Juggie." You said and then the two of you left the gym and went home to watch your favorite movies.

The night of a school dance, you stood in your dress, pinching the skin on your arms while looking at yourself in the mirror.
"Why are my arms so chubby?" You had asked yourself as you looked down.
Suddenly, arms snaked their way around your waist and Archie's head rested on your shoulder.
"Y/N, please don't ever say that again, you're amazing and gorgeous and I wouldn't want you any other way." He whispered to you. You smiled softly at your loving boyfriend.
"I love you, Archie."
"I love you too Y/N."

After spending the night at Reggie's house, you decided to take a shower. You were quick, but once you had gotten out you noticed that your neck looked weird.
"Hey Babe, can you come in here!" You called out to Reggie.
"Sure!" He replied and soon enough he stood behind you as you poked around your neck in the mirror, wearing only a towel.
"Does my neck look weird to you?" You asked him, turning around to face him.
"What?" He questioned, his brows furrowing.
"I knew it!" You exclaimed and whipped back around to see it again. Reggie's look of confusion morphed to one of understanding.
"Babe, your neck looks fine." He told you. To further soothe your worries he continued to place sweet kisses all over your neck and it worked because pretty soon you were smiling and laughing with him.

When you got insecure, you tried not to let Joaquin know, because you knew that he would be upset. However, one night you had decided to sleep over at his house. Your pajamas were cute and you felt comfortable in them at home, but st your boyfriend's house, it was different. Suddenly, your shorts gelt too short, your shirt felt too tight and too small, and your messy bun felt ratty. You felt like a slut.
For the past few minutes you had been constantly pulling your shorts and shirt down constantly and Joaquin had begun to notice.
"What are you doing?" He asked you. Your head snapped over to him and you suddenly stopped.
"Nothing...are my shorts too short?" You questioned, very nervously. His eyes widened and he sat up and placed his hands on your legs.
"Hey, you look good in any and everything you wear. You shouldn't feel embarrassed. I love your legs, you know that." He assured you. You grinned at him and kissed his lips.
"Thanks." You whispered against his lips.

Veronica was very much in shape and you constantly felt like you had to match her body shape and weight. One day, she came to visit yu straight after River Vixens practice, so she hadn't changed out of her practice uniform and you couldn't stop staring at her stomach.
After almost twenty minutes of you being unable to tear your eyes away, she finally spoke up.
"Why do you keep looking at my stomach?" She asked. You had always been truthful with her, so you had answered honestly.
"It's flatter than mine." You responded. She shook her head and smiled at you before tackling you onto the bed and straddling your hips.
"Don't say that, you know I love everything about you. Please don't feel bad because of me," she said as she placed kisses on your neck, collarbone, and face. You smiled at her and nodded your head in agreement.
"Good." She said and proceeded to kiss you.

Cheryl's family didn't exactly like you. In their eyes, you were just some girl that their daughter was having a fling with and they didn't like it. Everytime you went over to Cheryl's her parents would ridicule her for dating you in front of you. It always brought you down, but today it just hurt a lot.
You and Cheryl had walked up to her room after her parents had made their comments and now you two sat on her bex, talking.
"Cheryl, are you sure that you want to be with me? I don't meet your parents standards." You said suddenly. She looked at you at tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.
"I don't give a damn what my parents think. I love you, and they're going to have to accept that because you aren't going anywhere and I'm not going anywhere." Sh replied. You blushed at her words.
"I love you too, Cheryl."

When it came to Betty, it was hard to not get insecure. She was so smart, and you were just...you. You didn't think that you had any smarts to offer her, particularly one day after you had gotten your math test back and saw that it was a C-. Betty had come to your house, only to be met with you in a bad mood.
"Honey, what's wrong?" She asked you. You sniffled as you thought of how dumb you were feeling.
"I'm too stupid to be with you!" You snapped at her. She was taken aback at first, but then she smiled and shook her head at you.
"I know that you think that, but you're so wrong. There's so much going on in that beautiful brain of yours and that's all that you need. You're not dumb, you just don't like math. Yes, I know about the math test, but so what? It was one test!" She told you. You smiled up at her and pulled her into a much-needed hug.
"Thanks, Betts."
"Of course, Y/N."

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