How you meet

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You had known Jughead since Kindergarten. He had waddled up to you during lunch and sat in front of you, he didn't say anything, he just started eating. You didn't care, really, he was the only person that wanted to sit at your table.
From that day on, the two of you were best friends. You didn't introduce yourselves to each other until several weeks into the friendship.
"What's your name?" Jughead asked suddenly.
"Y/N, what's yours?"
"Jughead, or Juggie. Whatever you want I guess."

You're Reggie's sisiter, so you met Archie at a football game. The game had just ended, so you went to find Reggie and congratulate him on the team's win.
You walked to the parking lot and found Reggie leaning up against the car you both shared. He was talking to a very handsome boy with red hair. They both noticed you approaching and turned to you. Reggie smiled at you.
"Y/N, this is Archie, he's on the football team." Reggie introduced the two of you to each other.
You looked Archie in the eyes and smiled while you two shook hands.
"I hope I see more of you," Archie stated. You blushed.

You were the new girl at Riverdale and someone new was rare in Riverdale, so naturally everybody wanted to meet you.
Your guide for the beginning of the school year was a girl named Betty Cooper. She was polite and you liked how nice she was. While the two of you were walking down a hallway, you didn't look up in time and you crashed into someone. You fell and smacked your head against the floor.
"Shit!" The person you ran into cussed. You giggled a bit as they yanked you off the floor as though you weighed nothing. Betty sighed.
"Y/N, this is Reggie Mantle, Reggie this is Y/N, she's-"Betty never finished her sentence.
"She's new, I wouldn't forget a face like that," Reggie said. Your face flushed under his gaze, but before you could respond, Betty's hand latched onto your wrist and she began to drag you away.
"It was nice meeting you!" You called out to him as Betty dragged you down the hallway.

You were walking into the White Wyrm when you saw him. He was gorgeous with his shoulder length black hair and steely eyes. You gravitated towards him and ended up sitting next to him at the bar.
"I'll have a rum and coke," you told the bartender. He nodded and scurried off to order your drink. Instantly, you turned to Joaquin.
"Hey Handsome, my name's Y/N." You stated. He smirked at you and stuck out his hand to shake.

Archie was your cousin and you had recently moved in with him and his father, you all liked to meet at Pop's for dinner every Sunday night, so you decided to show up a little early today.  You were sitting in a booth, drinking a strawberry milkshake when the most beautiful girl you'd ever seen walked into the diner. You stared at her in awe for a couple seconds before snapping out of it once you made eye contact with the beauty. She smirked and walked over to your booth, her hips swinging. She slid into the seat in fornt of you and stole the cherry off of the top of your milkshake. You stared at her, eyes wide as she bit off the cherry before placing the stem on the table.
"I'm Cheryl, and you're cute." She said to you. Your cheeks were blazing when you answered.
"I-I'm Y/N..." Suddenly the door to Pop's opened and your Uncle and cousin walked in and spotted you. Cheryl slid you a slip of paper with some writing on it before winking and sliding out of the booth.
"Call me," she whispered into your ear while she passed you to walk to the counter.
"Holy shit..."

You had been assigned by the school to show the new girl, Veronica, around with your friend Betty Cooper. You walked up to meet her and we're slightly stunned by her good looks. You blinked and then she was in front of you, smiling.
"Hi, I'm Y/N and I'm your 'tour guide'" You said. She smiled at you and gave you a friendly hug.
"I'm Veronica."

You were the new girl in Riverdale and you had heard of Pop's so you decided to go check it out. Once you entered the diner, you saw a blonde girl sitting with a red haired boy, you smiled at them and walked towards them.
"Hi, I'm new here, do you have a favorite food that they serve here?" You asked, awkwardly playing with your hands.
"The milkshakes are great!" The red head said. You smiled at him in thanks and looked towards the blonde who was just frozen, staring at you. You began to become embarrassed, thinking that something was on your face.
"I'm sorry, is there something on my face?" You asked with burning cheeks. The blonde girl choked on air for a second before she righted herself.
"No, sorry, um...I'm Betty and this is Archie, would you like to sit with us?" She asked and you smiled at her.
"Of course!" You replied and you slid into the booth next to her.

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