Baby duty

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Professor Styles

Chapter 13
Song: sweet creature// Harry Styles

"Good morning Weslyn" Spencer said to her growing sister.

Weslyn made grabby hands at Harry. "Okay so mummy is gone and the grandmas are too so you two are going to college today." Harry said with fake enthusiasm

Weslyn clapped as Harry put her on the changing table.

"What's college?"

"It's a school for big kids you'll go when you get older." Harry changes Weslyn into a fresh nappy putting a onesie over her head and that usually resulted in her wanting to play peek a boo.

"I see you Weslyn" Harry played along buttoning the buttons at the bottom.

After getting the girls changed harry took the diaper bag downstairs and started the kids breakfast.

"Daddy can I have French toast?"

"Sure thing" Harry said praising god that he had frozen French toast sticks, they weren't his famous kind but they had to do.

Harry threw some in the oven grabbing a plastic bowl and spoon for Weslyn.

"Weslyn it's not you it's me." Harry said popping the lid on the baby food.

"I just don't trust you enough to feed yourself so I'm going to okay?"

Weslyn gurgled and blew spit bubbles.

Once the timer went off Harry took them out putting them on a plate and pouring syrup on them.

"Do you need me to cut them up for you?" Harry asked retrieving the milk.

"Yes please"

Harry gawked "since when have you used manners?" Harry said with his hand to his chest.

"When I want to" Spencer said sassily with her hand on her hip.

"I spoke to soon" Harry cut the breakfast into pieces and began feeding Weslyn.

After breakfast Harry loaded up the car and drove to college.

Harry's class only lasted 45 minutes so it wasn't too long of a class

"Professor styles are these your daughters?" A student asked an Harry turned around.

He had a baby carrier clipped onto his stomach as he wrote on the board.

"Yes my boyfriend had to go somewhere and I have to watch them please take a seat."

"Spencer do I have to put you in detention?" Harry said when she started talking through his lesson.

"What's detention?" She asked.

"Time out" Harry put his hands on his hips and he looked ridiculous with Weslyn against his chest.

"Nope" she said popping the p and continuing with her coloring

"Alright everyone turn to chapter 14"

A little daddy Harry Drabble

Professor Styles ✔️ {L.S}Where stories live. Discover now