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Professor Styles

Chapter 9
Song: Lullabies// YUNA (when she says you were my first love...it hits me hard continue)

Louis threw up the whole night so early the next morning he made a doctors appointment for him.

"Put Bugs Bunny down and tell poncho you'll see him later" Harry said persuading Spencer to get in the car.

"Bye bye" she waved and ran to Harry.

Louis was in the car already, he had air blowing in his face and his seat was leaned back a bit.

Harry closed his car door and held Louis hand giving him a reassuring look.

"I wanna hold mummy's hand too." Spencer said realizing harry had something she didn't.

"You can hold my other hand." Louis said resting his arm behind him.

Harry drove to the doctors office and they were taken to a room almost immediately.

"Daddy where's my ear phones?" Harry dug through Louis purse finding her tablet and headphones enough to keep her occupied.

"So what seems to be the problem?" He asked sitting in the other chair.

"I've been irritable, nauseous, throwing up, I've had a headache for a day." Louis said putting his forearm against his forehead.

The doctor hummed grabbing his clipboard.

"Any back pain cramping or bloating?"

Louis nodded,

"Hmm any excessive weight gain?"


"Any pain in your lower abdomen?"

"No" the doctor stood. "We're going to do some blood work and I'll be right back."

Louis sighed resting his head against the bed.

"How'd you persuade me to come here again?" Louis asked chuckling a bit.

"Do you think it's anything serious?" Harry asked and louis thought before shaking no.

"Okay Louis let's take some blood." A nurse said flicking Louis arm so she could find a vein before sticking a needle in his arm.

After the blood was drained the doctor came back on the room with the results.

"Ah I know what the problem is. You're pregnant!" He laughed and harry and Louis mouths dropped.

Professor Styles ✔️ {L.S}Where stories live. Discover now