4: The Smithsonian Air and Space Museum!

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MinataNamikaze1: Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto cause if I did then Sakura wouldn't be a useless fangirl in Pre-Shippuden and Naruto would have his Father's smarts while keeping his Mother's personality and knows about seals and how to use them and also I don't own Transformers cause if I did then Bumblebee would be able speak by the Third movie and Hotshot, Red Alert, and Leobreaker would have been added into the movies. I do, however own, Hoshibi Uzumaki AKA Starfire Pax and Naton Uzumaki AKA Darklight Pax. Remember to Read and Review to let me know what you think, but it you don't the twist that I make then stop reading and find something else. Also don't leave a review that's flame or I will block you. Ja ne.

...My Line...

Once they had arrived outside of the museum, they all got out of the Camaro while Bumblebee activated his holoform.

"The Smithsonian Air and Space Museum," stated Simmons. "Land of dreams in there. All I ever wanted to be was an astronaut." Just then Simmons ripped off his pants making the kunoichi to groan as she looked away from him and Bumblebee gave him a glare. "Hold these."

"What is that?" asked Sam.

"What?" Simmons asked. "I wear them when I'm in a funk. So does Gambi, Jeter. It's a baseball thing." The red head looked back at him to see that it was safe to look again. "Okay. Watches synchronized, sharp mind, and empty bladder. You get caught demand an attorney and don't ever say my name. Okay, take one of these pills. Slip it under your tongue." He throw a pill bottle to Sam. "It's the high-concentrate polymers they put in Oreo cookies. Tricks the polygraphs every time."

When Leo handed the bottle to Hoshibi, she just placed it in the Camaro rolling her eyes.

"Whoa, whoa, listen, I can't do this!" Leo protested as he started to freak out.


"I'm not some alien bounty hunter, guys," Leo went on making the red head to groan. "I'm not going do this. Guards have guns. I don't want to die."

"Kid, kid, kid, kid, kid," Simmons stated as he backed Leo up into Skids. "You compromise this mission, you are died to me. Now look me in the eyes and tighten up that sphincter." He then looked at the couple. "Do you think that you and your alien boy-toy can take a few guards down?"

"Yep," the Uzumaki answered with a nod of her head. "Bumblebee and I well go in first and after about two minutes, go in." She turned to Mikaela and handed over Notan, who was in his wolf pup alt mode. "Watch him for me, won't you Mikaela?"

"Sure," the dark haired girl agreed with a nod.

The young kunoichi smiled at her before she than grabbed Bumblebee's hand and walked into the museum hand in hand.

...My Line...

Once inside and she caught sight of a few guards, the young Uzumaki made a few tears appear in her eyes.

"Excuse me, the museum is closing, we're going to have to ask you to leave," a guard told them.

"Please you have to help us?" she asked while crying. "Our little boy's gone missing and we can't find him!"

Bumblebee had to fight back a smirk at her acting as he wrapped his arm around her and pulled the 19-year-old into his chest while looking just as upset as her.

"It's going to be alright ma'am," the guard told her softly before looking at the Autobot. "Are you the child's Father?"

"Yes, sir," he answered with a nod. "We've looked in the space department of the museum for him as he loves looking at the stars at night, but we can't find him. We really do need your help."

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