1: The Beginning!

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MinataNamikaze1: Now this is my second installment of my Transformers and Naruto crossover story. And in this story the mystery behind Hoshibi's birth will be discover and she will find her Cybertronian form too. Onto the disclaimer! I don't own Naruto cause if I did then Sakura wouldn't be a useless fangirl in Pre-Shippuden and Naruto would have his Father's smarts while keeping his Mother's personality and knows about seals and how to use them. I do, however own, Hoshibi Uzumaki AKA Starfire Pax and Naton Uzumaki AKA Darklight Pax. Remember to Read and Review to let me know what you think, but it you don't the twist that I make then stop reading and find something else. Also don't leave a review that's flame or I will block you. Ja ne.

...My Line...

Earth. Birthplace of the human race, a species much like our own, capable of great compassion and great violence.

For in our guest to protect the humans, a deeper revelation dawns.

Our worlds have meet before.-Optimus Prime

...My Line...

"Ding a-ling," a voice from over the comm link said. "Come out and get your ice cream."

"Any bad robot out there is about to get an aft whopping," another voice stated.

"Oi, Tweedledum and Tweedledee, shut up and keep the fragging pit quiet," a 19-year-old red head growled from the diver set of a 2009 Jaguar XKR175. "For Primus fragging sakes!"

...My Line...

For the last two years, an advanced learn of new Autobots has taken refuge under my command.

...My Line...

"Acree Triplets, get ready yo launch," a male voice stated over the PDA.

"We're locked and loaded," one of the triplets informed as holograms appeared on the seats of motorcycles.

...My Line...

Together we formed an alliance with the humans, a secret, but brave squad of soldiers.

...My Line...

Hoshibi Uzumaki reached over to the passenger set and took hold of a metallic green folded up bow and a quiver full of at least 150 exploding arrows and 100 arrows that has exploding paper tags attached to them. The bow and the 150 exploding is a 19th birthday present that Optimus had made for her from, what Hotshot had identified as, Cybertronian metal. However, it brought the question of how the Prime knew when she was born to the forefront of her mind along side the mystery of him knowing her Mother and Aunt. Hoshibi had never looked a gift horse in the month, but she still asked him about it only for Optimus to tell her that she well find out when the time is right and no sooner then that, and all it did was annoy her to no end.

"Alright, listen up," Lennox spoke up. "China's cover story on this one is toxic spill. They had to evac the area for search and rescue. This makes six enemy contacts in eight months. We gotta make sure this one does not get out in the public eye, so keep it tight."

...My Line...

A classified strike team called NEST.

Transformers and Naruto! Movie 2!-Revenge of the Fallen!Where stories live. Discover now