"Good." Dean nodded. "We leave tomorrow morning."

"You're leaving again?"

The two Winchesters looked over when they heard the small voice, their eyes locking with Natalie's weary ones.

Dean's face went soft. "Hey, baby girl." he said, moving forward and gently taking his daughter's hands as he kneeled in front of her. "How're you feeling?"

"Are you leaving again?"

Dean sighed softly. "It's only for a few days, bug. I'll be back before you know it."

"But it hasn't even been a week yet." Natalie said, fiddling with her father's sleeve.

"I know, baby. But your Uncle Sam and I have to go see Grandpa and-"

"You're going too?" Natalie asked, her little brow furrowing as she looked up at the taller man.

Sam's lips parted and he started to respond when Natalie cut him off.

"You haven't even been here for five whole days yet and you're already leaving?" Natalie asked, her voice rising slightly.

"Nat, baby girl, calm down." Dean said, gently squeezing her hand.

"But Daddy," Natalie whimpered. "I don't want to be alone."

"Oh, baby, you're not going to be alone. Uncle Bobby will be here with you." Dean said, gently brushing some of the hair from her eyes.

Natalie sniffled, tears coming to her baby blue eyes. "But you won't be." she said, pulling away and folding her arms over her small chest. "You're never here. Neither of you." With those words, the little girl marched off and into her bedroom, making sure to slam the door loudly behind her.

Dean stood up, his eyes wide in surprise. Natalie was always very lenient whenever he left to go hunting. She never reacted like that.

Sam exhaled, brushing a hand through his shaggy brown locks and closing his eyes. "Damn."

"Yeah." Dean sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I'm back." Bobby's voice rang through the house as he walked in, carrying a grocery bag in each hand. He took in the boys' facial expressions and raised his eyebrows. "What's got you two princesses so upset?" he questioned as he set the bags down on the table.

"Natalie heard us talking about going to find Dad tomorrow and she got upset that we were leaving." Dean sighed.

Bobby's face went soft. "Poor kid." he murmured. He sighed. "I'm guessing you two didn't exactly handle that well."


The older man rolled his eyes. "For God's sake, what is it with the Winchester men and not knowing how to parent?" he muttered, mainly to himself. "Alright, ya couple of idjits, let me talk to her. You two unload the groceries."

"Bobby-" Dean started.

"I'm sorry, did that sound like a question? Hop to it!"

The two younger men sighed but went to unload the brown paper bags as Bobby walked into Natalie's bedroom.

The little girl was curled up under the covers facing the wall, soft sniffles erupting from her.

The older man sighed, gently shutting the door behind him. "Nat?"

No response.

Bobby walked further into the room and pulled out the chair from her desk, taking a seat beside her bed. "I know you can hear me, little lady." he said, trying to keep his tone gentle and light. "You want to turn around and talk to me?"

Perks of Being a Winchester ⌲ DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now