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again, i was trying to avoid school, but i couldn't. i mean i could but i was just so scared of my parents finding out and grounding me. i, again, didn't want to face anyone. i wanted to stay home and pretend nothing was wrong. i wanted to be anywhere but school.

a car was honking in front of my house. i looked out the window and saw justin's car. i grabbed my backpack and the breakfast sandwich that my mom insisted me to eat and rushed out to justin's car. i sat in the passenger seat and was greeted by a big smile.

"hey, i didn't know you were coming to pick me up." i buckled my seatbelt and justin began driving.

"frost needed a ride, so i figured i'd pick you up as well." justin nodded his head back towards the back seat. i looked over my shoulder in hopes that he was joking, but nick sat there and looked up at me.

"morning." he smiled. i turned back around and side-eyed justin. as if the week couldn't have gotten worse.

i gave justin the breakfast sandwich that i was planning on throwing away. i was nervous. we arrived at school. i looked at the time and noticed we still had a while. we stayed sat in the car.

"i really don't want to be here." i mumbled. justin put his hand on my leg and gave it a squeeze.

"if i need to take down some people, i will. or, if we need to ditch, we can." he said.

"let's get this week done and hope that they'll leave you alone." i rubbed my temples. i felt a headache creeping up.

i was looking out the window and saw my brother parked a few spaces away from us. astrid was parked in front of him. i blocked myself hoping they wouldn't see me. she got out of her car and walked up to him. they kissed each other. i turned away disgusted by them. nick was suggesting some things but i ignored him and let justin talk for me.

"we should probably go in already to see if they put back your things." justin said. i checked out the window for christopher and astrid but they weren't near their cars anymore.

justin had told nick that it was probably best if he kept distance from us. he just walked a few feet behind us as we walked the halls.

we got to my locker to see "whore" painted on my locker door. some people stopped to look at me and laugh/giggle. others were shocked. i noticed it wasn't even locked anymore since the lock was broken. i looked at justin. he was looking around the hall.

"this is bullshit." justin was upset. "who has the time to do this?!" he grabbed a piece of paper that was on the floor and tried scrubbing the paint off my locker door.

"woah, what happened?" we looked over to see ryan standing behind us confused. he was alone.

"your girlfriend happened. get her to stop or else i will." justin warned him. ryan looked at me.

"is she doing this because of friday?" he asked me. i didn't want to answer.

"yeah, someone wrote a letter about you, pretending to be emma. camila gave her shit yesterday. they took emma's things and now this." justin pointed to my locker. ryan was surprised and bothered.

camila walked up next to ryan and gave him a kiss on his cheek. ryan looked at her upset.

"someone's looking out for you, emma." she joked. i avoided looking at her.

"are you kidding me?!" ryan yelled. "what is wrong with you?"

"she wanted you to break up with me. you two slept together."

"you're insane! emma hasn't done anything."

"now you're trying to protect her!" she yelled back.

"you and astrid are so full of yourselves. give back emma's things today. i'm not joking, cam." he walked away. she stood there. she sighed.

"it's in frost's locker." camila mumbled and walked away. i looked at her confused and then at nick, who stood behind me. we both rushed to his locker. he opened it and found my things stacked on top of his.

"i didn't know about this, em." he handed me my books, and he helped carry my other things to justin's since mine couldn't lock anymore.

i was thankful that ryan was there and had camila give back my things. well, she didn't exactly give them back but i was still glad i got it all back.

i didn't have any problems the rest of the day. i felt stares from camila and her group. they probably were planning something against me, again. justin stuck by my side. nick tried talking to me, but i kept our conversation short. i didn't want to have something with nick.


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