Yandere Palette Part 2 (NaJ)

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Palette's POV 

Uh oh. I heard that somebody called the police about finding a body in a supply closet near the gym. I hope they found no evidence that it was me, I mean I tried to be as stealthy as possible.

Goth's POV

I pull my phone out from my pocket, seeing that I have a text.

Heya Goth! This is Palette, and I just wanted to know if you wanted to go do something, seeing as we don't have work for a while...

Yeah... I can't believe somebody was actually murdered at the school!

It's sickening! Who in the world would murder a student! Don't they realize that it means we wont be paid!

You're really worried about your pay right now?!

I mean.. yeah?

Palette, somebody was murdered. Money doesn't matter right now..

Yeah... You're right... Sorry Goth..

Anyways about going somewhere, unless you have something better to do!

Nothing better, what'd you have in mind?

Oh, I thought we could go get coffee or something, nothing much.

Sounds good, meet you at Moondollars (totally original) in ten minutes?

Yep. See you there!

I set the phone down and smile. I have a date with Palette. Well I mean he didn't specify that it was a date, but I prefer to think that it counts.

Ten minutes later I find myself at the coffee shop, waiting in line with Palette. We both order, pick up our drinks and sit at the table. We talk about things that don't matter, until I remember something.

"Hey Palette..?" I ask. He glances up, eyes shifting around slightly.

"Y-Yeah?" He asks, why is he so nervous all of a sudden.

"You said to me that day the body was found that.. You liked me... Why?"

"B-Because you're amazing Goth! I'd give you anything! Now I want to talk to you privately, c-can you come to my house?"

"Yeah of course!"

Palette and I walk down the street, both stuck in that awkward silence where we both want to speak, but neither can think of what to say. When we arrive at the house in the infuriating silence, I rub my arm awkwardly.

"So..." I mutter.

"Goth... I..." Palette stumbles over his words. I look into his eyes, and decide something then and there. My hands find their way to his shoulders, pressing him against the door he had yet to open. I roughly kiss him, and he struggles, before relaxing. When we break apart his eyes are glowing stars. "Oh... Oh my! G-Gothy.."

"Heh, c'mon lets talk." I say, motioning to the door. He nods, and fumbles around for the keys in his pocket. The door swings open, and Palette leads me into his room. I try to get Palette to tell me what he wanted to talk about, but he refuses. After a while he excuses himself to use the restroom. I glance around his room and lay my eyes on a small book. Being a librarian I'm interested immediately. My fingers run delicately over it's spine, before opening it. I was shocked at its contents.


Alphys-Has girlfriend, no need for violence yet

Bunny-Next victim


So continued the list of every girl in the school, each having some sort of note. At the very end is one sentence. 'I killed them all for Goth.'

Palette rushes into the room at my bloodcurdling scream. I throw the book at him.

"Goth.. You remember how I said I'd give you anything. Right?"

I nod and gulp, "Yeah. I do you sicko."

Palette takes a step forward, and I take one backwards. "I meant it you know. I'd give you anything. I've given you everything. You are my everything, but I have nothing left to give you!"

"Why'd you do it Palette?"

"I thought... I thought that if I showed you I was the only one who cared enough to stay alive for you, you'd love me! I thought that... I thought... I... I realize that it's so incredibly stupid... You can hate me all you want, and I understand that! I... I know it was all wrong, and I'd take it all back if I could. I've given you too much! I've given you the lives of innocent people! I'm! I'm.. I.. I'm sorry Goth. For everything,"

Despite everything, a smile cracks on his face. Tears flow, hot, and thick. They cascade down his face, falling onto his clothing. Yet, he smiles. Whispering one word. "Sorry."

Palette's POV

My knees feel like Jell-O. My head is spinning. I regret everything I've done, but if.. If it weren't for Goth I wouldn't have done any of this. This is all his fault. It's the fault of the stupid, handsome, undeniable perfect skeleton in front of me. I close my fingers around the pocket knife I've learned to keep in my pocket. Goth's eyes widen as I advance on him. He looks behind him, before back at me, trying to find an escape route.

"P-Palette please.." He cries. It's a strangled cry, seeing as my knife is held at his throat. "Give me one chance!"

"Give you a chance at what? This is all your fault!" I scream, lowering the knife. He hurls himself at me. I feel arms wrap around my neck, a head bury itself in my shoulder. A hug.

"Give me a chance to show you that you can change. I know you can, and when you do I'll be yours! Yours and only yours!" A yellow glow emits from behind me, and I turn around slowly. My room fades into black, as Goth and I stand before the Reset Button. "On the count of three?"

"One." I say, confirming Goth's idea.

"Two." Goth whispers in my ear.

"THREE!" We shout it at the same time. I don't need to look at Goth to know when our hands simultaneously press the button that will rewrite our lives, from who knows when.

My body tingles. I can't feel anything, yet the pain is unbearable. Everything is dark.























"Come on Palette!" Zinnia shouts. I look around. I'm in a classroom, empty besides the two of use. "I don't want to be late!"

"Ok!" I say. This was it. I killed her here before. She was about to leave when I strangled her. I can't do that now. This is my redemption. "I'll walk you to class, ok?" I offer.

"Sure!" Zinnia chirps. We head out, and walk through the school. At one point we walk through the library on her way to class. Goth looks up from the book he's reading, and makes eye contact with me. A wink is all I need to know that he remembers too. I don't plan on telling anybody what I've done, because we've reset over that. It's no longer a part of my life. The Palette I am is not a murderer, despite my past.


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