Car Crash (Part 1)

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Palettes POV

I'm sitting on my couch, bouncing up and down. I invited Goth over a while ago, so he should be here soon. I turn on the TV and wait. My phone rings in my pocket, the contact name is Goth💖💖💖. I snatch up my phone.

"Hi Goth!" I say happily into the receiver.

"Hello, is this Palette Roller?" An unfamiliar voice from the other end asks.

"Yes. Who is this? Why do you have my friends phone?" I reply. I hear words being exchanged from the other end before a new voice starts talking to me.

"Mr. Roller, your friend was in a car crash, and you were his emergency contact." They say. I'm shocked into silence. Goth in a car crash? This can't be happening! I needed to tell him I liked him, but now he could be seriously injured. "Do you know where he was going?" The person on the phone asks.

"Yeah... H-He was going to my house... Because I-" I pause. They make a sound that seems to ask me to continue. "I invited him over." I choke out.

"Alright thank you Palette, a police car will arrive at your house shortly to take you to the hospital to see your friend," the old voice says grimly.

"Thanks," I mumble. Pulling the phone away from my ear I click the hang up button. This is my fault. I invited Goth over. He got in a crash on his way to my house. Why me. Dear God, why me. As I let my thoughts consume me my fingers click unconsciously through the channels. I see kids shows, Doctor Who, then the news. It features a car crash. Goth's car crash. I see a body being pulled from the wreck and being put in an ambulance. I can't tell who it is, or if they're alive. Suddenly a loud knocking at my door snaps me out of my thoughts. I rush to the door and open to see the police.

"Palette Roller?" One asks. I nod slowly. "Get in," he says, pointing to his car.

The ride to the hospital is silent. It also feels painfully long. So I pull out my phone. I see a long chain of texts from my parents. (Ink: I, Dream: D)

I: Palette are you ok? I saw the wreck on the news

I: Let us know if you're going anywhere

D: Do you know if your friend is ok?

I: I hope he is

D: Best of luck Pal ❤️

I sigh and text then back.

'I'm ok, police arrived at my house and they're taking me to the hospital to see Goth. Love you both'

I exhale and close my eyes. This is my fault.

Eventually we pull up to the hospital. The police lead me to a room where I see my nightmares come true. It's Goth. He is hooked up to an oxygen tube, his breathing shallow. His skull has a crack in it, which seeps bone marrow onto the pillow. I don't realize the police have left my side. What I do realize is that Goth's eyes open slightly. His one pupil shifts over to look at me.

"Goth! Are you ok?" I ask, rushing over to his side.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" He mumbles.

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