Do You Love Me?

682 13 5

Goths POV 

All I have to do is reach out.

All I have to do is call for you.

You'll come running to me.

I know you will.

Because we're 'best friends'.

Oh god how I hate those words.

Do you know how they destroy me?

Do you know how many times my soul has shattered when you called me that?

Do you know that I love you?

Why is it so hard to tell you that I love you.

So please Palette.

I need to know.

Do you love me too.

"Yes of course I do Goth, now quit being all sappy and let's have fun!"

I'm glad.

(A/N): HNNNN THAT WAS SO CRINGY. Ok sorry about that. I just wanted to post something while I'm working on the requests I got so yeah. Sorry, it's my brain at 10:30 pm. Ok I'm going to sleep now probably. Probably.


I'm not even that tired wow.

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