"By any means necessary."

"Why can't I ever get a simple answer from you!" Naruto snapped out of patience with Sasuke's vague and incomprehensible answers.

"You invited me to fuck with your mind, you can't complain when I grant you your wish."

Naruto glared at him for a while longer, but it was hard to stay angry when he was shivering so much he bit his own tongue.


"Cold?" Sasuke asked sarcastically.

"Thanks Uchiha Obvious," Naruto returned in a similar tone. "What is up with this place anyway, what happened to the beach?"

Sasuke rubbed his own arms in a show that the cold was affecting him too and shrugged. "Hn."

"I'm going in the cave," Naruto said decisively. But he didn't move forward. The cave looked very dark.

Sasuke watched him impassively for a few minutes. "Well?"

"Aren't you coming?"

"I might if you actually went anywhere." Sasuke's eyes narrowed. "You aren't scared are you?"

"No!" Naruto shot back immediately. Then in a quieter tone he said, "I wonder if anything lives in there."

"Look around, dobe. Does it look like anything lives anywhere in this bleak place? And besides, this is a dream remember, what have you got to be scared about?"

"You obviously don't know what my dreams can be like," Naruto muttered. But it was true, generally he didn't dream about big nasty animals taking him apart. Mostly his nastier dreams included seeing people die, seeing things destroyed or worse. Though of course if you included his brief talks with the Kyuubi to be a kind of dream, he supposed that there were some big nasty animals that did try to harm him...he really wished he hadn't just thought about that.

Sasuke continued to watch him for a while longer before getting apparently fed up and walking toward the cave himself. As creepy as it looked to Naruto though, he couldn't let Sasuke walk in there by himself. He caught up to the Uchiha just inside the cave entrance by actually running into the back of him when the other ninja had stopped to take a look around. Naruto grabbed Sasuke's shoulder to stop them from both ending up on the ground and looked past him at their new surroundings. There wasn't much to see unfortunately. Whatever light there was outside didn't filter into the cave very far. All Naruto could see what that it was probably a pretty small area about the size of the main room in his apartment but he couldn't even be certain about that. But of course, Sasuke had better eyes than he did.

"There's the remnants of a campfire and some leftover wood for burning," Sasuke told him. "Let go."

The last command took a while to find its way into Naruto's understanding and when it did, he took his hand away like he'd been burned. But then he realized the ridiculousness of it. Sure in the past Sasuke had always been a bit precious about his personal space, but only last night he'd been grabbing him and kissing him. So why all of a sudden was he so moody about it now?

Naruto watched Sasuke walk into the darkness. There was something about seeing him disappear one step at a time further into the cave that made Naruto's breath catch in his throat. He wanted desperately to call him back but instead he said,

"You know for someone that was tongue molesting me last night, you're awfully sensitive about a light touch on your shoulder."

There was a flare of light as Sasuke lit the wood in the firepit and Naruto got a good look at Sasuke crouched down staring up at him. The look was pretty cold.

What Dreams Are Made Of (SasuNaru)Where stories live. Discover now