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The very next night of dreaming gave Naruto a greater insight into what was happening with these dreams of his. When he slept he didn't find himself on his beach in the cove, he wasn't even in his forest, he was in a new place entirely, and for once he didn't appreciate the scenery one little bit.

He stood in a small open area and looked out over a sheer drop. He could see mountains ranging around him and everything was covered in snow. At his back was a cave entrance that looked black and uninviting, though a little more inviting than continuing to stand out here in the chill wind that buffeted him where he stood, making him have to hug his arms around himself and shiver.

Why was he even cold in his dream? Come to think of it, he experienced a lot in these latest dreams of his that he didn't think he'd ever dreamt of before. Feeling wind against his skin, feeling heat and cold, being able to smell things, and feel the water as he swam. He didn't think these were typical things to experience when you dreamt, but hey, what did he know? Most of the time he couldn't remember his dreams after he woke, but these ones stayed with him like normal memories so that's probably all there was to it.

No the real insight he was beginning to have about these dreams was that they must have more to do with Sasuke than he had originally thought. Sure, the locations might have great metaphorical bearing on what was going on in his life that had little or nothing to do with the Uchiha, but the fact that his dreams seemed to change every time he gained some new level of understanding with Sasuke had become painfully obvious after their last brief encounter on the beach.

The first time in the forest they had had their first relatively civil conversation with each other in years. After that, he started dreaming about the beach. And then on the beach Sasuke had...Sasuke had...

Naruto screwed up his eyes and made himself say it.

"He kissed me."

And the following night he had ended up here.

This new place was beyond a doubt the least inviting place of the three and he wondered if his mind was punishing him in some way for the latest instalment in the twisted Naruto-Sasuke soap opera that was his sleeping life these days. It was like kicking him and saying, 'Bad Naruto! What the hell were you thinking?' But that was just it, he hadn't been thinking, Sasuke had been the one to kiss him! Of course, this was obviously his dream so didn't that mean there was some small part of Naruto that had wanted Sasuke to...

Naruto shook his head to clear it.

"What's wrong, dobe? Are you even losing mental sparring matches to yourself now?"

Naruto turned to look at the current focus of his issues and frowned at him.

"Why did you do that?"

"I always call you a dobe."

"I don't mean that!" Naruto returned hotly. "You kissed me."

Sasuke folded his arms over his chest and smirked at him. "The beauty of the dream is that I don't have to explain myself to the likes of you."

"C'mon Teme, this whole dream is about messing with me. Why won't you explain why? If nothing else, you could use this as an excuse just to fuck with me even more."

Sasuke seemed on the verge of saying some other nasty thing, but seemed to think better of it. Apparently he thought Naruto had a good point. Why just call Naruto names when he had a chance at doing some real mental torture instead?

"I'm trying to figure something out," he said simply.

"How?" Naruto asked after Sasuke's ridiculous answer. "By sticking your tongue down my throat?"

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