Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I spent most of the day outside with Boomer pampering him. I'm glad Boomer is here and I'm not alone in this house with Mayne. Having a dog here is just a comforting feeling. It starts to get dark so I go inside with Boomer on my tail. He follows me as I walk into the kitchen and opens the pantry. As I'm looking at what's on the shelves, I see a bag that says dog treats on it. Pulling out the bag and opening it up I grab a handful of treats.

"Sit boy", I say kneeling down to which he sits straight away. I give him a treat letting him eat the treat out of my hand. "Shake hands". I hold my hand out and he places his paw in mine so I give him another treat. He is trained. "Aww you're so adorable". I chuckle.

"We need to talk". Looking up I see Mayne standing there a few meters from us. I place the rest of the treats I'm holding on the floor for Boomer then I stand up. "Let's go to the living room".

Mayne waits for me to start walking towards him and then turns around leading me through the house and into the living room. There's a huge tv on the wall, damn, it will be good to watch movies in here. There is a white dog kennel with a blue roof in the corner of the room. Mayne gestures for me to sit down so I do on the long couch. He sits beside me but leaves a gap between us.

"I don't know where to start". Mayne let's out a breath. I keep quiet until he says what he's going to say. "Even though I'm sure I know this, I want you to clarify this for me. Are you a virgin?" Such a personal question but he already knows the answer.

"Yes", I answer and he lets out a sharp breath.

"I can't believe this", Mayne murmurs. "I want you to be my partner but now after knowing this, fuck, how did you never have sex in high school?" he questions.

"I didn't have a boyfriend", I simply say.

"I didn't ask if you had a boyfriend". He pushes for more information.

"I didn't have sex because I wasn't in love", I say causing him to frown.

"Love". He tries the word. "You're waiting for love", he says with a far-off look as if he can't believe what he's saying.

"Mr. Ryte, what do you want from me?" I ask softly.

"I want you but now that you're a virgin... I can't bring myself to take your innocence away from you". Mr. Ryte drops his head and runs his hand through his head.

"What does that mean then? If you're not going to touch me, are you sending me back to the home for girls?" I question.

"No, it's a done auction, the paperwork's been signed. You will stay here and do other duties such as cooking, cleaning, looking after Boomer and my house when I'm not here. I won't touch you..." He gives me a nod once he's finished his explanation. I'm completely astounded once I hear that. He's not going to force me. Most other men would. I have the urge to smile, feeling happy that I've been bought and my only job is practically being a maid.

"Okay Mr. Ryte, would you like me to make dinner?" I offer.

"Yes Marcela, that would be great".

"Any preference?"

"Whatever you can cook", he says. "Bring me some wine".

"Umm you still haven't taken me on a tour. I don't know where anything is", I say and realisation dawns on his face.

"Come on, I'll give you the tour now". He stands up and so do I.

He takes me on a tour showing me the first floor which holds the living room, the kitchen, dining room, bathroom and laundry room. We then come to a door and he opens it surprising me with what's inside. There is a large pool in the middle of the room, the water glistening on the surface.

"This is beautiful", I murmur looking around.

"You're welcome to use it anytime as well as the gym, I'll show you next", Mr. Ryte says. He ends up showing me the gym and the second floor which holds bedrooms and bathrooms. He then shows me the attic which is empty, well not empty, just storage. He also shows me a basement, but it's a wine cellar.

"I want wine served every night with dinner, and for the dinner to be served between seven to eight", Mr. Ryte tells me.

"What wine do you want me to serve?" I ask having no clue about wine selection.

"You can come down here and choose any bottle you want, just not from that cabinet". He points to the cabinet in the corner. "Those are hundreds of years old worth of wine bottles".

"Okay", I acknowledge remembering not to touch that cabinet. He then shows me where everything in the kitchen is and any other necessary thing is. Mr. Ryte disappears upstairs.

Opening the pantry, I search through it looking at the ingredients waiting until a recipe pops out at me. What should I cook? I find a packet of spaghetti and decide to make a pasta dish. Grabbing a pan and filling it up with water setting it on the stove, turning up the temperature until it's settled on high. My mum taught me how to cook as it was my father's wishes. He wanted me to be knowledgeable with cooking so I could please a man one day.

I wait for the water to boil and then pour in the spaghetti when it has. I stir it every few minutes letting it cook. I then get a frying pan, tip in some oil, garlic and breadcrumbs. I mix it with a wooden spoon around the pan until it crisps up a bit. Once the spaghetti is done, I drain it, then put it in a serving bowl after mixing the breadcrumbs in. Adding some salt and pepper and mixing it with some tongs so the breadcrumbs stick to the pasta. I set the bowl on the table, some plates and some utensils too. Boomer comes running into the room wagging his tail.

"Hi Boomer". I kneel down and ruffle his fur. He took a quick liking to me. I open the pantry grabbing a can of dog food from the shelf and putting it in Boomer's personalised dog bowl which has his name on it. "Eat up". I clap in which he does.

I go upstairs and down the first hallway then the second hallway going to the last door which is Mr. Ryte's room. Knocking on the door I wait but nothing happens. I knock again but still no answer. Opening the door, I walk in and see a black and white themed room with a dark grey rectangle rug on the floor by his bed. Walking further in and admiring his room.

"Marcela". I spin around caught that I was in here and come face to a glorious sight. Mr. Ryte is standing there in the doorway to which I'm guessing is the ensuite. He has only a white towel draped around his waist, wet hair, and water droplets running down his body.

"Umm". I'm speechless. He is a handsome man with his muscled body.

"What are you doing in here?" He frowns.

"I'm sorry. I ugh dinner is ready". I look down, anywhere but his eyes. I don't know if me coming in his room is against the rules. He hasn't told me any rules, yet.

"I'll be down in a minute", he says and I nod hurriedly leaving the room. I feel flushed, catching him coming out of the shower with just a towel on. Going downstairs to the basement I choose a wine and open it filling two wine glasses. I bring the glass to my lips taking a sip, the red silky wine running down my throat. Mmm, this is the first time I've tried alcohol. It has a pleasant rich taste as it glides down my throat. Sitting down at one end of the table Mr. Ryte soon comes in and takes the seat at the other end of the table. He is fully clothed now. I hope he likes what I made. He gestures for me to dish up my plate first being a gentleman and then he dishes up his, us eating in silence.

"This is quite good", he comments.

"Thank you", I say. We continue to eat in silence until we're both done. I put the dishes in the dishwasher and then head upstairs to bed.

I get into a pair of light pyjamas and sink into the silkiness of the bed sheets letting out a sigh. This bed is beyond comfortable. Last night I couldn't sleep. I guess fear was resonating through my body of what Mayne would do to me. He gave me his word that he will not touch me. I don't trust him enough to take his word for real but my gut feeling is telling me he's telling the truth. I seem to fall asleep easily this night.



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