Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

My eyes flutter open and I see from the window that it's still dark outside, must be early hours of the morning. It doesn't feel like I've been asleep for too many hours. I want to watch some tv, maybe it will calm my nerves but I don't know if I'm allowed out of my room, not until Mr. Ryte comes and gets me. I decide to get out of bed anyway making my way over to the door and opening it quietly. Going down the hallway finding the staircase and going down to the first floor. I walk through the house trying to find the living room, damn, this house is big.

I hear a bark making me spin around and come face with a big black dog. I once read a book on different breeds of dogs. He looks like an English bullmastiff, definitely a bullmastiff. He has a patch of white on his chest but he's mainly a shiny black coat. He barks viciously at me, baring his teeth. Oh my, this dog looks like it's in attack mode. I hesitantly move my right foot back and the dog growls making me jump.

"Down boy". I jump at the sudden voice, spinning around and seeing Mr. Ryte standing there. The dog stops growling. Mr. Ryte walks past me and grabs the dog's collar making him sit down. "I completely forgot to mention I have a dog. Are you alright?"

"Umm yes, is he vicious?" I ask softly.

"No, he just doesn't know you yet. He's honestly a good dog, his name's Boomer", Mr. Ryte explains. "Are you scared of dogs?" he asks, concern etching from his frown.

"No, well I've never really been around a dog before", I admit.

"Since you're staying here, he'll get used to you", Mr. Ryte says and I hesitantly nod. He kneels down so he's faced to face with the dog. "Now listen Boomer, this is Marcela and she's going to be staying with us. No scaring her". He talks in a softer voice to Boomer. The dog seems a lot calmer and more placid now that Mr. Ryte is here. Maybe Boomer's just being protective over his property and owner.

"Marcela, come here", Mr. Ryte says holding out one of his hands while holding Boomer's collar with his other one. I hesitantly take a few steps forward until I'm standing near Mr. Ryte. "Give me your hand". I place my hand in his and he brings it closer to the dog making me quickly withdraw my hand.

"What if he bites me?" I ask.

"Marcela, he won't bite. Boomer's a cuddly dog", Mr. Ryte says.

"He doesn't look it", I comment rolling my eyes, to which Mr. Ryte chuckles.

"Just pat him, I assure you he won't hurt you". I slowly reach out and place my hand on top of Boomer's head. He moves into my hand more and Mr. Ryte lets go of his collar making me a bit nervous. I stop patting him and look to Mr. Ryte finally realising he's half naked. Mr. Ryte is standing tall in only a pair of grey sweatpants that hang lowly on his hips. He has perfectly crafted indents carving into his body showing off a great set of abs. His biceps are a good amount of thickness. There is a little snail trail of hair from his belly button down further but is covered by the pants. I don't realise I'm staring until I look up at him. He has a glint in his eyes.

"What were you doing downstairs anyway?" Mr. Ryte asks, seemingly no anger in his tone.

"Oh, I wanted a glass of water", I make up a lie instead of saying I was really looking to watch tv. I don't know if he would be angry so hopefully the glass of water is understandable.

"I told you where my room was if you needed anything", he points out.

"Sorry", I murmur.

"It's fine, come on, I'll get you a glass of water", he says turning around and walking out of the room. I follow him thinking a glass of water sounds good. That dog really scared me which made my throat dry. We go into the large kitchen and Mr. Ryte goes over to the cabinet, opens it and grabs a glass going over to the sink and filling it up with water then passes it to me.

"Thank you Mr. Ryte", I say quietly. I see the clock on the microwave says its 2:37am.

"Please, call me Mayne. It's too early for Mr. Ryte", he says surprising me. He's letting me call him by his first name. "I'll show you back to your room". He gestures to the staircase and we leave the kitchen. Boomer follows us and I without thinking take a step closer to Mayne. "He won't hurt you", Mayne reassures me.

"Where does he sleep?" I ask, he's obviously a house dog, looking at how clean he is.

"He has a kennel bed in one of the living rooms but the back door to the house has a doggy door for him to come in and go out. He's trained to go outside when he has to go", Mayne explains.

"Well I'm going to keep my door closed. I'm not comfortable with him roaming around the house", I say.

"Alright, I'll come and get you up forbreakfast and then we can discuss your duties". Mayne walks me to my roomand walks down another hallway. I close the door making sure it's shut all theway so Boomer can't get in. I get back in bed letting sleep take me.



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