Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Ellie ran off and I followed her, to find her hiding in a bathroom stall. She is breathing heavily. I can't imagine how she's feeling right now.

"Ellie, please open up". I lean my head against the door and speak to her gently.

"This can't be happening", she mutters, her voice holding disbelief.

"Please let me in". I want to be there for her but I can't if she won't let me in. The door opens and I step into the stall seeing Ellie sitting on the ground with her knees bunched up to her chest. I sit down leaning my back against the wall across from her. "Tell me what you're thinking".

"How can this be happening?" she whispers. "What if I end up being bought by an old man? Or an abusive man? This house has become my home. I don't want to leave and stay with a stranger".

"There's a chance you might not get sold. If no man wants you, you get to come back here".

"Do you think I'll come back?"

"Honestly, I think men will bid high for you. You're gorgeous". I know she doesn't want to hear this but I don't know how to comfort her.

"What do I do?" she asks clueless.

"Remember what Ms. Creena has taught us. Stay strong and don't make the man angry", I try give her some advice. "Who knows, you might end up being bought by a handsome young man?" I try to show her the bright side.

"Yeah but even so, I'll still be forced to be with him". Ellie buries her head between her knees. I stay quiet and so does she, nothing else to be said between us. I move my body next to hers and wrap my arms around her as she leans into my body. We stay like this for at least two hours.

"I love you Ellie", I murmur and she sobs. I hold her tighter while she cries into my body.

"Girls", Pima's gentle voice sounds from outside the stall. I reach one of my arms out and open the door for Pima. Maybe she has some advice for Ellie. Pima kneels down in the doorway and places her hand on Ellie's shoulder.

"Any advice Pima?" I ask quietly.

"Ellie, I've been called for auction before. It's not as bad as you would think. Five girls get called but usually three will come back to the home. I've seen the men that have come to the auction and there are some young men. You will be okay. If you get chosen, just hold your head high and do what you're told. It might sound bad but there's not much else you can do", Pima finishes.

"And what if I'm one of the two that gets chosen?" Ellie's voice breaks.

"Come on, we are having a thing for the girls who have been chosen in the movie room. We're going to watch a movie". Pima pulls Ellie up and we all go to the movie room to spend Ellie's last few hours together.

Pippy soon comes and collects the girls that were chosen and takes them away to get them ready. The girls get their hair and makeup done and get put into a beautiful dress to heighten her odds of being sold. Once it's eight o'clock, all us girls wait anxiously in our sleeping quarters waiting for information knowing the auction will start any minute. I haven't seen Ellie since Pippy came and took her to get ready. I wonder how the auctions going. I can't believe this. Please, let her come back.

Two hours later the doors open and the girls chosen come in. They all look like beautiful stars. Ellie is wearing a black sequined dress that goes to the floor showing off her skinny figure, while the low neckline shows some skin of her chest. She looks stunning. Ellie has a distant look on her face as she walks to her bed.

"What happened?" I ask hesitantly.

"I was bought", she says with no emotion in her voice.

"No", I gasp.

"His name is Andy Phillips, he is twenty-seven years old and decent looking but... I just don't know". Ellie sits on her bed. The girls are allowed to come back and get their stuff and say goodbye before they go. "I'm glad I had sex in high school so I'm prepared for what it will be like".

"Did Andy Phillips say anything to you?" I ask.

"We haven't met yet", she mutters.

"Maybe it won't be so bad. Think about it, all these men once were boys we went to high school with. They're human beings just like us", I say trying to lighten her spirits. Maybe not all men are bad. Yes, he did buy her but he could be nice.

"Yeah guys were nice in high school but once they get into the real adult world, they get a taste of power. It changes them", Ellie trails off.

That is so true. My father bought my mum at an auction. Their relationship is abusive. I doubt my mum has an ounce of love for my father. When I was fifteen, she told me how it all started between them. My father is around the same age as my mum, couple years difference. He had bought her, immediately laid with her and she became pregnant with my brother, then a few years later with me. They then proceeded to get married by my father's wishes. I don't know whether I hold love for the man I call father. Mum's eyes are always cast downwards when he speaks to her, as he likes it. He has smacked her a few times, only when she does something he doesn't like. He has never laid a hand on me, but we've had interesting talks. Father has told me what is expected of me, what happens if I get bought, how to act. He never liked how much I studied in school, him believing a woman shouldn't be smart as they're only made to be a wife and mother. My father has never cheated on my mum though, he stays true to her. I know my mum does not have desires for him but she lays with him anyway to keep him happy. She has always told me 'calm yourself and go along with it, if you fight it will only make it worse'.

My father does work and provides for us giving us a good home and the things we want which I respect him for. Some men buy a woman, marry her then a few years later divorces her for a younger woman. Father is loyal to mum and I do believe he does love her, it's just hard for him to show it. I think mum has grown accustomed to father over the years and she does smile sometimes when he compliments her.

But growing up seeing mum get hit by father, I grew resentment in my heart. I vowed to never let a man treat me like that though. I've learnt to hold my tongue though and act the way I'm expected to, especially in fathers' presence. In this home for girls, we are allowed phone calls home, our home being the only one. When I was to come and live here, father gave me a nod and told me "to do as I'm told" as a goodbye. Mum appeared strong in front of father but I knew she was on the verge of tears. I bet she cried her eyes out that night. Growing up with a strict tough man for a father, I have grown to be strong.

Half an hour later Pippy comes to get the girls chosen, but only Ellie was bought. I grab Ellie in a big hug and don't let her go for at least a whole two minutes.

"Come on girls", Pippy ushers us along.

"Be good", I whisper in Ellie's ear before Pippy takes Ellie and leaves the room. They walk out the door and a tear falls out of my eye.

"She will be okay Marcela". Pima restsher hand on my shoulder. I can only hope her words are right. I don't get anounce of sleep that night, worried about Ellie's wellbeing.



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