Chapter 10

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As I ran I didn't hear Damon so I looked behind me and didn't see him so I turned back and hit a 'wall'. I looked up and saw a guy, he had black hair with bright red eyes.

"Umm I don't know you so I'm going to walk away now." I said awkwardly

"Oh.but you do know me." the weird, creeping guy said.

Me being who I am walked up to and said " oh ya well listen fucktard I don't even know you so how do you know me! Unless you are a stalker? are you a stalker?"

"Umm no? but I am your mother's brother. The dead mother of course." he said

"So you are my REAL uncle?" I asked

"Duh it is what I just said didn't I."

'well damn' I thought

"So I see where I got my smart mouth from."

"Trust me sweetheart your mom, my sister, was ten times worst than me. so you probably got it from her. and you look exactly like her too. it's creeping, really, I feel like I have my sister back." He said smiling at me.

"So I look like my m-" I was cut off by a howl.

I turned to see Damon running over to me and pushing me behind him.

"Who are you." he angry spoked

"A person named ' Billy Jean'" my uncle said

"Who are you and why were you talking to my mate for?"


"I am your mates uncle and you should respect elders, son!" my uncle screamed

"Wait what?" Damon looked at me in shocked

"Is he telling the truth? About

him being your uncle?" Damon asked

" Yes he is my real moms brother and I yet to find out his name?" I looked back at my uncle

"So what is your name?" I asked him

"Alexander." he spoked

"So what happens now?" Damon asked while looking at me and my uncle

"See this is where everything falls apart Aqua." my uncle said

"What?" I asked

"Your father........ he didn't die.......and neither did your mother." he spoke so slowly it was like he was talking to me like I was 2 years old.

--------Authors note--------

I am so sorry that I have not updated lately. it's just I have had cheer and other things going on in my life right now. So good news is I will be updating more often and if you have any ideas to what will happen next comment and I will try to put in the book some where. oh and sorry it's a short chapter.


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