9 - Recovery

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(I know it's nerdy but I guess throughout the summer Michael and Jeremy will show up Heere and there? I know, my references. I feel like a little ding went off and text popped up with "Michael Mell and Jeremy Heere have joined your team" or something. But they'll make cameos throughout this so get ready :D)

(Evan POV)

Evan was at school on the last day, hanging out with Jared since they could do whatever they wanted. He would've been with Connor, but... Yeah. That happened. Nobody really knew how the fire started since the party wasn't held by someone from their school.

"Hey Evan, do you have a crush on anyone? Because you can't be a virgin forever." Jared tried to start small talk since they had been sitting and not talking the entire time. Evan froze.

"Umm. No. Nobody. Hey l-look at that tree." Evan pointed at the courtyard, Jared celebrating.

"HOLY SHIT. You like someone?!?" Jared yelled, freaking out.

"Shhhh. I mean, maybe." Evan stared at the ground, remembering the make out sessions with Connor.

"Who's the lucky girl? Or boy. Or person. Since your pan and all." Jared grinned, elbowing Evan. Evan sighed.

"He... umm. Isn't at this school right now. And you probably don't know him..." Evan stared at the ground, mumbling.

"Holy. Freaking. Shit. I think I know who. But I thought you liked his sister?!" Jared was freaking out.

"I like him, Jared. He's nice, but troubled. He loves me back and I love him. And I don't love him enough to save him and now he's probably dead!" Evan shouted at Jared, freezing. Jared stared at Evan with wide eyes. He saw tears form in Evan's eyes, putting a hand on his back to comfort him.

"It's okay Evan. The only thing I've said to him is insults and I made fun of him, but... I'm willing to help you if you feel safe with him. Now tell me, what happened?" Jared rubbed Evan's back as he slowly cried.

"At-At the Halloween party... he came with me and w-we were hanging out for m-most of the time. We went upstairs b-because I was having a-anxiety and-" he sniffled. "The house c-c-caught on fire and we went out t-the window and he helped another kid named Michael out before h-himself but he got burned and f-fell out the window on his back and I should've let him go before me and I could've been in his place but he's probably in a lot of pain in a hospital room with no family there to comfort him since his relationship with his family isn't good and he could die with nobody at his side and I'm here stuck as school sobbing next to you and-" Evan spoke quickly in the end, sobbing. Jared shushed him, comforting Evan by rubbing his back.

"Hey, if you want to go see him, we can leave and drive there. I have my car. The teachers won't care." Jared offered, Evan looking up and nodding. Evan sat wiping his tears as Jared went to talk to a teacher. He explained that they were going to visit a friend in the hospital, the teacher understanding and allowing them to go.

Jared returned, helping Evan up and walking with him to his car. Jared hopped into the driver's seat and Evan got into the passenger's side. Jared started the car and drove away from the school for the last time for a while.

(Connor POV)

Connor woke up, grunting and sitting up suddenly. He winced after feeling pain in his back. Oh right. Landing on your back does that. He looked around the white room, seeing his leg wrapped in bandages, a heart monitor connected to his arm, and his shoes, one sock, and jacket in another corner of the room. He laid down, his back stinging. Nobody was in the room.

"Good to see people care about me." He scoffed, talking to himself. He looked down at his arms, noticing that they wrapped bandages around his scars. There was a gap in between the bandages for the IV, and Connor laughed a little.

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