3 - Meetings

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(Get ready for some gay shit folks)

About four weeks had passed since the incident with Connor, and Evan was pretty sure Connor had no idea he was the one that helped. Evan was slightly relieved about it, until one faithful day.

Evan was at his locker, accidentally dropping something on the ground. He bent down to pick it up, seeing black leathery boots and dark grey laces. He panicked as he heard a locker close. His locker. He picked up the thing he dropped, standing back up and looking into the blue eyes of Connor Murphy. His beautiful blue eyes. God. Why was he thinking that? He's probably here to hurt me or something. Evan was shaking, looking at the door of his locker which had Connor's hand on it. His nails were painted black and he had a black hair band on his wrist. Nail polish and a hair band? Oh god that's cute. Did I say that out loud? Oh god oh god oh god-

"So, Hansen. Evan, I think it is?" Connor asked, Evan nodding nervously. "Loosen up, Hansen. I'm not here to shoot you with a gun. That's for Cruz and his gang." He tried to make a joke to make Evan less scared, Evan nodding over 15 times quickly. Connor brushed a hand through his hair, Evan crushing even more. Was Connor growing his hair out? I can't wait to see it longer. Evan. Stop. This.

"So umm I came to talk to you about what happened like three weeks ago? I wanted to-" the bell rang, a teacher yelling at everyone to get to class.

"Meet me at 10:20. Bathroom. So it seems normal. You better be there." Connor walked off to his first class period, leaving Evan in a mess at his locker. He quickly went to class, constantly looking down at his watch. He didn't want to go and yet he did. He wanted to talk to Connor. He wanted to look into his eyes at a time when it isn't awkward.

The time finally came, and Evan raised his hand. He was excused by his teacher and he went a long route to the boy's restroom. He was nearly there, but started pacing. He didn't want to get there first and then be all alone. But what if Connor's waiting? He ended up waiting a little before going in. Fashionably late.

Connor was standing in the corner of an empty bathroom, looking down at the floor. His shadowy figure shocked Evan. Connor looked up, sighing with relief.

"Good. You came." Connor walked over to Evan, looking around to see if he was followed. "Alright. So apparently you were there when I got my ass kicked..." he mumbled the last four words as if he didn't want to admit he was defeated.

"So the nurse wanted me to go in every week or so to check on me or whatever, and apparently she talked about a friend of mine, a boy in a blue Polo shirt? How this kid helped me and brought me to her?" Connor looked at Evan. Evan was shaking, and his mind was racing. 'oh shit oh shit oh god he's going to hurt me oh no oh no'. He ended up nodding and squeezing his eyes closed as he saw Connor move his arm.

He felt something grab his right hand. He opened his eyes, seeing Connor smiling a little.

"Thank you." Connor said, breaking the silence. He let go of his hand, walking out of the bathroom. Evan watched this boy in black clothing walk out, and let out a deep breath. He looked at the hand Connor touched, blushing. Why would Connor Murphy be nice to me? Evan Hansen? The anxious stuttering kid? He was dreaming. This was some sort of gay fantasy he created in his sleep. But it felt so real...

  Evan checked his watch. Crap. 7 minutes had passed. His teacher would get suspicious. He got up, took a deep breath, and walked out. He looked at his right hand as he walked back into class. His teacher didn't even look up when he walked in as he sat at his desk in the back.

  A few class periods has passed and it was finally lunch. Connor had only thought about his meeting with Evan the entire morning, regretting everything. Thank you? Why would you thank him? He took your half-unconscious body to the nurse! He did that when there was... nobody else there to help... Stop this, Connor.

  Connor ignored the voices in his head, not looking back at Evan as he went to his locker. Evan would probably hate him for earlier. Great. One less chance at a friend.

   Evan was still freaking out about the morning. Like, fan girl style. He watched Connor walk the halls behind the safety of his locker door. Before lunch, he watched Connor, feeling a presence behind him. He whipped around, seeing Jared.

  "Who are you looking at? You've done it like every passing period." Jared asked, Evan freezing.
  "W-What? I'm not looking at a-anybody. W-why would y-you think that?" Evan stuttered, nervous. Jared laughed, looking around. He suddenly grinned.

  "I know who you're looking at. In love with the kind Murphy, huh? Not surprised. Everybody loves her." Jared laughed, Evan panicking when he said Murphy but relieved when he said "her".

  "Jared. D-don't tell anyone. P-please." Evan pleaded, half acting. He used to have a crush on Zoe before he met Connor, so it wasn't all a lie. Jared laughed again.

  "Alright, man. Let's just go to lunch." Jared patted Evan on the back, the two walking to lunch.
  Great. Now Jared thinks I have a crush on Zoe, even though it's the complete opposite. It's isn't that bad though. I guess...

Sorry for the somewhat short chapter this time! I needed to include a follow up part to the last chapter and also I wanted to put some gay stuff. I might have the next few chapters be random moments throughout the school year, because I planned to have the story progress in the summer, so the next chapters are just school stuff. Don't worry! When they get into summer, it'll get exciting!

973 Words

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