'Hey Melanie, lovely meeting you & Belle today! Thanks for your support <3 If any of the staff ask about this, blame the four year old kid in aisle 8! Love Scarlett. xxx P.s I hope I look better in person and with any luck not as derpy :D'

"There ya go." I grinned as I handed it back to her.

"Thank you so much."

"No problem."

"Can we get a hug?"

"Sure!" I replied before wrapping my arms around Belle and the Melanie. "It was lovely meeting you both but I've gotta getting going."

"Okay, thanks for everything and say hi to Louis and the boys for us." Belle called out.

"Of course!" I replied as I waved at them before turning to walk the other way. I began to concentrate again to why I was here and what I was doing. I scanned the drinks in the fridge compartment before settling on a simple pure orange juice bottle. I gave in to my stomach and headed towards the fresh bakery section of the shop too. Everything smelt divine but I could feel myself putting on at least a stone just looking at them all. My tongue ran across my bottom lip as I pondered over the fresh choices in front of me. My inner child was already reaching for the gingerbread man and I couldn't stop it. I picked up the little guy and headed towards the check out. The bottle of orange juice was gripped tightly in my left hand until I saw something, someone. The bottle crashed to the floor but my eyes remained fixed on the person. I didn't even know who this person was but I had seen her last night, on the bus, with my sister.

"Excuse me miss." I jumped out of my skin when someone appeared in front of me, blocking my view down the aisle.

"Huh, sorry?" I knotted my eyebrows together as I stared at the stranger in front of me. He clearly worked here, he had a name badge on and apparently he was called; Travis, although that wasn't going to be any use to me at all.

"You uh, dropped this." He replied, waving the bottle of orange juice in front of my face. After seeing the woman I had completely forgotten about everything else around me, it was like she was the only thing I could see, everywhere else was just blank.

"Oh right, sorry." I mumbled before grabbing it from his hands and ducking my head out of view, safe to say I was fairly embarrassed. I had been stood gawking and now everyone else in the close proximity was staring at me like I was crazy.

"You're welcome!" He shouted back but I was already out of view and ear shot for anyone to know it was directed at me. I scanned the shop for the woman, desperately searching for her. This could be my chance to get some answers. It was typical Scarlett luck she wasn't in sight. I was frantically charging up and down the aisles wishing she would just appear, I had no idea what I would say to her but I'm sure I'd get there when I found her. My legs were getting jumpy with nerves, how can someone just disappear? I searched up and down the store once more before going to the checkout and actually paying for my dented orange juice bottle and half crumbling ginger bread man thanks to my hand squeezing it so tightly. I stood impatiently tapping my foot against the tiled floor as the queue barely moved. The air conditioning fan was directly above my head which made me regret my clothing choice of the day. It looked warm outside so I dressed in something somewhat summery which consisted of; a light coloured, flowing blouse, denim shorts and a pair of TOMS. The fan was blowing right down my blouse, if there was a camera above anywhere I'm sure the security guards were getting a nice view, I thought sarcastically. When I finally managed to reach the front of the line I placed my items on the conveyor belt and watched as the totally gormless worker, who looked almost as if he was dribbling grabbed a hold of my items slowly. My foot tapping was beginning to get louder as he spun the bottle around, trying to scan it across the barcode successfully, was it his first day on the job or something? I looked up from the half asleep guy and caught a visual on the woman again. She was at another checkout herself but she was almost done, I could see all her shopping packed up ready to go.

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