Birthday Blues

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Warning* Extremely sad chapter and the main idea that I had been given for some strange reason. Not to worry though, I guarantee happy endings with all my work. If you already have trouble reading my chapters because of how sad it is, sorry kid, you haven't read anything yet...

A tall British agent with slightly grey hair and brown eyes walked into the room with a feeling he had never felt before, contempt. He felt contempt for this new director of the Arctic Force and his new policies. He looked at the old director, who was packing up his things with a fire in his eyes, but a neutral look on his face. He had been taken out of office due to his age, as the new one had said to the governments of the world.

"What is it, Special Agent Classified? I need to find out what that monster's done to my grandchildren." The old man was a tough old bird to be sure. His most famous mission was taking down an entire operation on his own and rescuing something that had been deemed an "Experiment". The old man didn't even need to look to tell who it was that came into his office, he just knew, like it was instinct or something.

"That's actually why I'm here, sir..." Agent Classified had been asked to keep watch on the boys, but to not interfere with their lives unless it was a life or death matter since their uncles had been killed. The older agent looked towards the younger and sighed.

"He's going to harm them, isn't he?"

"I'm afraid it's worse than that sir. He's planning on taking them to separate facilities and train them in the worse possible way while telling them that the others are dead."

"When is this all happening?"

"I'm afraid it's going on, even as we speak."

"They're just children... Private's fifth birthday is today... you'd think that he'd have more tack than this..."

"I do have some news that is... moderate, I suppose."

"What is it, Classified?"

"They need caretakers, and since you are their grandfather, I managed to convince him to give one of them over to you for custody. He doesn't want anything to do with... I believe his name is Richard?"


"Ah, yes. Well, he's willing to let you raise him as you please, so long as it doesn't come back to haunt him."

"Then he shouldn't have messed with the Andrews family... Thank you though... they'd just turn him into an experiment again..." The old man muttered.

"Daniel... they've given me the oldest one, but the other two..."

"What's going to happen to them?"

"They want to make the youngest into the next 'Ace Andrews'. There's also rumor about Doctor Blowhole getting ahold of the Kewl boy."

"But that mad man is dangerous! And as for 'Ace Andrews', Peter never forgave himself for becoming that. If they turn Private into something like that assassin, then..."

"I know, but it's out of our hands..."

"No... no it's not... You said you have Skipper, right?"

"Yes, but I'm not allowed to have him anywhere near the other three boys, or you. He's to remain believing that he is utterly alone."

"Oh no he's not. You once told me that you saw them with a translator of some sort when they went to the zoo, right?"

"Yes, but what of it?"

"I may be old, but I still know how to hack a system. I'll set up those things to work as communication devices for those boys. Make sure that they keep those things, I don't care what strings need to get pulled, just do it. I am not letting them believe that they have no one left. I also want you to train Skipper. Anything you deem necessary, and anything he deems necessary."

"But he's..."

"Just a boy? You've seen their progress. Don't give me that garbage. You know as well as I do that this is the best option we've got. I'll train Rico as best as I can. Unfortunately, we can't do much for Private and Kowalski, but we'll try. I don't want them to be destroyed like their mother and uncle were."

"But Nigel is fine, and Mariam was perfectly fine until the fire."

"No... no they weren't. They were told that they were on their own. They're own parents had been told that they were dead so that they didn't look for them. Mariam wasn't called Doctor Luna because of her middle name. She was called it because of her mental breakdown before she was assigned to Peter's team. And there is a reason that Nigel is called Agent Doily! It's literally all he talks about when he goes undercover."

Classified grimaced as he saw the truth in the statement. "Ah."

Daniel sighed. "When do I get Rico?"

"Should be sometime this evening... are you sure about all of this?"

"No, but unless you can convince them to leave those boys alone, then it's our best option."

Private meanwhile was sitting on the cold hard cement of a cell, clutching onto his Lunacorn and penguin. He heard a crackle in his ear and remembered the Bluetooth like object that Kowalski had given everyone to talk to animals. He glared coldly at the man outside his cell. This was all his fault, but if he was patient enough, maybe he could learn how to save his brothers, and himself...

Okay, so I didn't have the heart to explain everything that happened that day, and I might do flashbacks later on about parts of it, but frankly it was just too sad for me to write out all the way. Now you know who's been spying on the boys, and hey, they still have two relatives that are around, Uncle Nigel and Grandpa Daniel, whaddya know? :P

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