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These chapters are actually sort of long and I hope that's okay. I tried to fit everything in the episode into the chapters, and sometimes I feel like they sort of drag on. 


I was sitting at the kitchen table this time while trying to finish my English homework. Technically I was finished with the paper itself, but I still had to edit and arrange it until it was to Miss Blake’s approval.

“Scarlet, Lydia just called and said that she thinks she found a dead body. We need to get there as soon as we can,” Scott said quickly, rushing into the kitchen with me. “Stiles is waiting outside, let’s go!”

I might as well just accept an F on this project because I was never going to get it completely finished. I stood up and grabbed my jacket before jogging out to the Jeep. I wordlessly slid into the backseat and let Scott ride shotgun. Things were odd between Stiles and I after we’d almost kissed those two times. Neither of us really knew what we needed to do in order to move forward in our relationship.

Thankfully Scott chattered on about something so the ride to the school wasn’t that awkward. As soon as the Jeep stopped, I practically sprung out and ran up to Allison’s car where she and Lydia were waiting for us.

“The last time I was in a fugue state I was told that I had to call you and Stiles before the police. I drove here and called Allison before you guys,” Lydia explained in a trembling voice. “I didn’t want to find another dead body by myself.”

We walked onto the school’s campus together wordlessly. I held Lydia’s hand tightly in mine as Scott and Stiles led the way to the center of campus. Lydia said something was drawing her there so we figured that would be the best place to look first. I heard someone take a deep breath and knew we’d found the body.

“That’s Tara,” Stiles whispered, I could hear the pain in his voice.

I stepped forward and took his hand in mine, I could not handle him being upset. He’d lost two people he’d known most of his life to these sacrifices. If I were him, I’d be completely devastated.

“What group does she fall into? There were already three warriors sacrificed,” Allison asked Scott, but we all heard her.

“She used to be a teacher before joining the force,” Stiles said, his voice making me ache inside. “I think she’s the first of the philosophers.”

“If that’s true, the Darach is getting really close to finishing the sacrifices. That’s the second to last group,” I said, staying close to Stiles just in case he needed me.

“That means we have to get on this and get on it fast,” Scott said finally.

By the time I got to school the next morning, I was dead on my feet. I’d spent the night trying my best to comfort a devastated Stiles. He ended up falling asleep at around three and so did I, but that didn’t make waking up at six to get ready any easier. I actually woke up with my phone still on and Stiles snoring quietly on the other line.

You’d never tell how tired I was by looking, I looked insanely gorgeous. I wore a dress and heels even though I knew better in this town, but my legs looked so good in them it was worth it. I was digging through my locker for my Spanish book when I felt someone standing next to me.

I looked over and saw that Stiles was leaning against the locker beside mine. He looked upset, but better than he did last night whenever he’d found the deputy. I closed the locker after I got my books and leaned against it, waiting for him to start talking.

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