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I was laying on my bed doing my homework when my door slammed open. I jumped and looked up to see that Stiles was standing in the doorway with a grin. I knew that grin better than I wanted to, it meant that he wanted something from me. I sighed before sitting up and crossing my legs.

“What’s so important that it’s interfering with my English homework?” I asked, chewing on the tip of my pen as I glanced down at the textbook in my lap. “Whether I think something’s up with Miss Blake or not, I can’t fail her class.”

He laughed before sitting down in front of me and crossing his legs like mine. “I need you to go on a little trip with me. Are you down?”

I reluctantly closed my textbook and scooted closer to him. “What all does this trip entail? I know better than to just go along with you, Stilinski. The last time I did that I almost died in a jail cell because of a full moon and a transforming Isaac.”

He took my hand in his and looked up at me with puppy dog eyes. “Derek’s been completely off the map since Boyd died and I want to go investigate. Scott’s with Allison trying to pump Gerard’s geriatric ass so that leaves you to accompany me.”

I knew that I should stay and study for the test that we’re having tomorrow, but Stiles’ puppy eyes were impossible to say no to. He even stuck out his bottom lip and whimpered a little bit so I hit him with one of my pillows. He laughed and grabbed the pillow out of my hands, knocking all of my stuff off into the floor in the process.

I was laughing so hard that I was almost crying by the time he knocked me onto my back and pined my hands to the bed. I looked up at him and saw that our faces were only inches apart and he was smiling down at me gently. It wasn’t the same grin he had earlier when he wanted something. No, it was the grin that I saw him always give Lydia whenever he was admiring her from afar except it was for me this time.

I sucked my bottom lip into my mouth and glanced down at his lips before I could stop myself. His lips were so puffy, I wanted to know what they felt like pressed against mine. I felt one of his hands holding my face and realized that he wasn’t holding my hands anymore.

I saw him tilting his head and leaning into me. I placed one of my hands on the side of his neck and arched my back so I could get closer to him, my heart jumping out of my chest as I realized we were about to kiss. About to kiss seemed to be as close as we would get because I heard his phone ringing in his pocket.

He groaned before pulling away from me and pressing his phone to his ear. “What? This better be, like, a life or death situation or I’m going to make it one.”

I grabbed my glasses from the bed beside me and slid them back on before getting out of bed. My legs were a little bit shaky and I tried to hide it from Stiles. I stood at my dresser mirror and reput up my hair while Stiles talked on the phone.

“That was Cora, she said that we needed to get there before she ripped our throats out with her teeth. I think she’s being serious so we’d better head out,” he said, locking our gazes in the mirror.

His face was flushed and I could see the frustration behind his eyes because we’d gotten interrupted. I realized that I looked a lot like him, he’d wanted to kiss me as much as I’d wanted him to. We’d have to talk about what just happened, or almost happened, whenever we had time together later.

“We’d better go then,” I said, turning around and facing him. “Lead the way.”

He nodded and walked out of my room jerkily. Then he turned around, took my hand in his, and started making his way back downstairs. That boy was seriously so weird sometimes that gave the werewolves and Lydia and everything else in this town a run for their money.

Aeonian •Book 1•Where stories live. Discover now