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I don't know if this is the first chapter that is a full episode, but I know this one is. That means it's longer and I hope you enjoy :)


It seemed like I had just fell asleep when my alarm went off in the morning. I remembered that I had cross country practice this morning so I had to get up two hours earlier. I sighed before sitting up and realizing that I wasn’t alone in my bed. I would’ve screamed out if I hadn’t saw a spattering of brown hair on the pillow and a gangly arm tossed over his head.

“Stiles, it’s time to wake up. We have practice today,” I said, pushing on his shoulder and trying to wake him up. “Stilinski, it’s time to wake up!”

“Mhmm, ten more minutes,” he grumbled, rolling over and tossing an arm around my middle. “Come back and cuddle up with me.”

I felt my cheeks heating up as he pulled my back to his chest and his breath hit the back of my neck. I knew he wasn’t aware of what he was saying, but it didn’t stop me from being embarrassed by his actions. I was about to break out of his grip, or that’s what I told myself, when Scott burst into my room.

“Hey, there’s practice in fifteen minutes! You guys better get up and stop snuggling,” he shouted and I could hear him giggling like a school girl.

I got up and ran into the bathroom where I’d stashed my things last night. I guess I should explain why Stiles was in my bed this morning, shouldn’t I? Well, after we finished everything up we all crashed here. I was still a little freaked out because someone was sacrificing virgins and I was one. I didn’t want to be alone even if my only protection was Stiles, he was better than I would be on my own.

I quickly pulled on my outfit and twisted my hair up with my bangs held back with a headband. I walked into my bedroom to see that Stiles was just tugging his t-shirt onto his body. I missed seeing any good parts, but his pink cheeks made me feel warm inside.

“Sorry, I forgot you were in here,” I lied, grabbing my bag of school clothes off the bed. “What time is it?”

“Time for us to be on the road,” Scott said, tossing me an apple and Stiles a granola bar. “We have to be a practice in ten minutes and Finstock will kill us if we’re late.”


We all met out at the beginning of the running trail, girls meeting up with the boys. Coach was talking about something, but I wasn’t listening to a word coming out of his mouth. Everyone lined up so I followed behind Stiles and stood between him and Scott. I saw that two twins were on either side of Isaac, and I could feel Scott tensing up.

“What’s wrong?” I whispered, leaning into him. “Who are those twins with Isaac?”

“Those are two of the alphas from the pack, the ones who almost killed Isaac,” he explained quietly. “Stay with Stiles, I’m going to go try and talk to them.”

I nodded and when we started running, I loped carelessly beside Stiles. I knew he was slowed down to try and keep up with me because he was taller with longer legs. I glanced up and saw Scott running after Isaac quicker than humanly possible, but I knew that was normal for my brother.

“Isaac has too much of a temper and too short of a fuse sometimes,” I said to Stiles after they both disappeared with the alpha twins. “I love him to death and I care about him, but it’s true.”

He was about to respond to me when we both heard a loud scream. I started full-out running towards the sound with Stiles a little bit ahead of me. I pushed myself harder until we were both in the middle of the hoard of students.

Aeonian •Book 1•Where stories live. Discover now